Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory


Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory

Yänjaa Wintersoul - World Class Memory

Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory


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(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)How to Memorize Any Numbers In Sequence Backwards or Forwards and How Number Memorization Powers Up Your Brain


Yänjaa Wintersoul – World Class Memory

Yänjaa Wintersoul - World Class Memory

Join Yänjaa’s World Class Memory Course

Who Wants To Remember More Information, Easier and Faster, and Keep What You Learn for Longer?

Module #1
Quick Start Guide To Creative Memory Success
Memory Myth Busting: Are People Born With Bad Memories?
The Critical Difference Between Consuming Information and Creating Knowledge
Learning the Difference Between Rote and Creative Memory
Using the Principles of ABC – Always Be Connecting and the second ABC’S of Memory
Explaining Neural Reuse (A.K.A Metaphors) And Why It Works
BONUS: How To Remember Your Dreams
…Once We’ve Made Your Success Almost Inevitable,
I’ll Show You How To Apply Creative Memory Towards Study….
Module #2
How To Study Less While Learning More and Keeping What You Learn For Longer
Memory Myth Busting: I Have a Bad Short/Long-Term Memory So My Memory Is Bad
How To Succeed With This Course (Or Any Course For That Matter)
The Iron Fist Method: Memory Formation Is Different From Memory Recall
How to Improve Memory Formation By Super Charging Your Attention and Focus
Active Recall – What It Is And How to Improve The Way You Recall Learned Info
Timing – When and Where to Learn Something, and How Long to Study For
The Pomodoro Technique and Knowing When to Stop Studying
How to Study Less but Remember More – Spaced Repetition and the Forgetting Curve
How to Increase Your Long-Term Memory
Setting Yourself Up For Big Wins With Memorization Order
Organizing What You Learn with Mind Maps
BONUS: How to Study During Times of Quarantine, Lockdown, or Remote Work
…Then I’ll Show You How To Use Creative Memory In Your Daily Life To Build Relationships And Stay Organized…
Module #3
How To Improve Your Daily Life With Amazing Memory Abilities as Second Nature
Memory myth busting: Photographic Memory
What Does Mood Have to Do with Memory? How to Use Mood to Boost Memory
Intro to Remembering Names and Faces
Why Are You More Likely to Recognize a Face than Remember a Name?
Recognition and Recall Are Different – an Example Using the 1000 Images Experiment
Five Secret Tricks to Memorizing People’s Names and Faces Easier and Remembering Longer
How to Become Better at Facial Recognition and Telling People Apart (How to Remember Faces)
How to Memorize by Using Your Body
BONUS: How To Memorize an Entire Audience of People’s Names and Faces
BONUS: Where the Heck Are My Keys?? Simple Tricks to Never Forget Where You Left Things
…Once You’ve Integrated Memory Into Daily Life You can Move On To Advanced Techniques For Memorizing Large Amounts Of Info…
Module #4
The Memory Palace: One of the Most Powerful Memory Tools For Retaining Tons of Information – What It Is and How to Use It
Memory Myth Busting: Is Everything We’ve Ever Experienced Stored Somewhere?
Memory Myth Busting: Can We and Should We Use, the Memory Palace All the Time?
The Step-by-Step Guide To Using the Memory Palace or the Method of Loci
How to Give Amazing Speeches Off the Top of Your Head Without Notes or Slides Using the Memory Palace Technique
What Should We Remember? What Do We Store in Our Memory Palaces?
Memory Palace Pitfalls and When It’s an Overrated Technique
The Strength of the Memory Palace Means You Don’t Need to be Creative All the Time
BONUS: How to Increase Your Visualization Power For Even More Memory Success
…Then You’ll Learn Memory Techniques That Actually Improve Your Brain’s Function…
Module #5
How to Memorize Any Numbers In Sequence Backwards or Forwards and How Number Memorization Powers Up Your Brain
Memory Myth Busting: Memory Techniques Are Too Complicated and Take Too Much Effort
Lifting Weights For Your Brain? How Memorizing Numbers Can Increase Your Mental Processing Speed
We Remember What We Are Interested In: How to Build Memorable Images And Stories
Quick Start Guide to Number Memorization: Shape, Rhyme, and Alphabet
Explaining Short-term Memory vs Long-term Memory
How to Increase Your Short-term Memory
BONUS: Creating an Advanced Number Memorization System: Can You Memorize More and Faster With Three Digits At a Time?
…After That We Will Learn How To Memorize Any And All Types of Words Including In Other Languages…
Module #6
How To Make your Your Mind an Iron Trap for Words, Languages, and Written Information
Step By Step: Memorizing New Words And Vocabulary
How to Increase Your Vocabulary in Any Language
Learning a Written System and Memorizing Unfamiliar Characters in a Foreign Language: Chinese, Japanese, and More
Your Brain AKA the You May Also Like Machine: Using Your Brain’s Initial Reactions To Remember More
How to Memorize A Text Word-for-Word: Acting, Scripture, Poetry and More
BONUS: How to Use a Dedicated Memory Palace to Learn the 500 Most Commonly Used Words in Any Language
BONUS: Intro to Speed-Reading (Do’s and Don’ts)
…And Finally I’ll Show You Some Of The Very Best Techniques For Memorizing Like A Pro…
Module #7
Unleashing the Secret Tools of Professional Memorizers: How to Compete In Memory Competitions (Or Just Amaze Your Friends)
Beginner’s Guide to Competing in Memory
How to Build a Two Digit Number System to Memorize Numbers Lightning Fast
Field Guide: How to Memorize 100k Digits of Pi
How to Memorize a Deck of Cards (Easy)
How to Memorize a Deck of Cards (Advanced)
SUPER BONUS: The Biggest And Most Precious Secret of Creative Memory Techniques that most competitive memorizers have not figured out…
So wow, that’s a lot of proven and field-tested strategies to learn and apply an amazing memory.
And it’s different from anything else you’ve seen before.
Unlike other trainings or courses, this is a complete step-by-step training that covers every single aspect of memory. I reveal every single secret, every trick and every strategy that works for me and for all my students.
But it gets even better than that…
I’m Also Giving You 5 FREE Bonuses Worth $5,223 If You Join My World Class Memory Masterclass
If you know anything about me, then you know that I don’t settle for “pretty good”. I actually care about the results that my students get and that’s why I’m adding even more for you.
To make sure you get results from this, I’m giving you 5 FREE bonuses worth $5,223.
Here’s what I’ve got for you:
Secret Discord Mastermind Channel
(Value: $522)
Instant availability once enrollment closes
We Stay In Constant Communication In A Secret Discord Group Exclusively For Students
Get Access To Me Personally On A Daily Basis (I’ll Be Actively Answering Questions, Looking At People’s Techniques, Helping Out and Giving Feedback)
Receive Ongoing Support As You Build Your Memory Systems As Part Of A Community
Create Accountability With Fellow Students
You’ll see what works by comparing notes and you’ll be able to learn from one another first hand
This Is Your Opportunity to Ask Any Memory Questions
…Plus You’ll Get Group Calls With Me Personally As An Absolutely Free Bonus As Well…
NINE Mastermind Calls
(Value: $3,742)
Available by course launch: 3 Jan 2022
Get Access To WEEKLY Group Video Calls With Me During the 7-Week Course Duration
Plus 2 Follow Up Check-in Calls After the Course is Complete
Ask Me Any of Your Memory Related Questions and Get My Direct Feedback and Assistance During Calls
Hear From Other Students About Their Progress And Results With the Course
An Exclusive Opportunity to Ask Any Advanced Memory Questions
…Plus You’ll Get A Huge Batch Of Hands-On Content For Each Module Above, Along With Even More Bonus Material…
Assessments, Workbooks, and Activities
(Value: $497)
Available by course launch: 3 Jan 2022
Assessments and Checkpoints in Each Module To Test Your Skills Before and After
Memory Lifestyle Guides In Each Module: Improve Your Life With Wellbeing and Daily Habits For Superpowered Memory and Mental Processing
PDF: My Secret List of the Very Best Memory Softwares and Tools
PDF Workbook: Creating Advanced Memory Systems
PDF: How To Game an IQ Test
MP3: Guided Mental Performance Enhancing Memory Meditation
…Plus You’ll Get An Exclusive Course Preparation Toolkit For While You Wait For the Course Period to Begin…
Course Preparation Toolkit and Lifetime Access (Value: $229)
Instant availability once enrollment closes
An Exclusive Comprehensive PDF Worksheet On Your Memory “Why” With Activities to Have You Motivated and Ready For Success Once the Course Begins
Lifetime Access to the Course – Including Updates and Upgrades!
…And Finally You’ll Get Some More Course Exclusive Videos Answering Some Of My Most Frequently Asked Questions Among Others …
FAQ Module (Value: $233)
Available by course launch: 3 Jan 2022
How to Forget: Reducing Negative Memories of Experiences by Using the Cartoon Technique
Using Your Senses to Increase Autobiographical Memories
Honest Memory Book Reviews and Recommendations on Further Reading
Memorize Chess like The Queen’s Gambit
How to Memorize for Law School
How to Memorize for Medical School
How to Memorize for Business School
How to Memorize with Aphantasia
How to Memorize a Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded

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