Sapien Medicine – The Essence of Negentropic Shen


Sapien Medicine - The Essence of Negentropic ShenSapien Medicine – The Essence of Negentropic Shen

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Negentropy is reverse entropy. It means things becoming more in order. By ‘order’ is meant organization, structure and function: the opposite of randomness or chaos.
Shen is one of the Three Treasures we have as corporeal beings. Shen is our spirit which connects to the ethereal Tao and the Mind beyond mind. The other two treasures are our Chi and Jing. Chi relates to what animates a being, and it is related to the breath and our vital energy. Jing is the energy derived from what we eat, thus making up our physical essence. Shen derives from Qi and Jing, and Shen energizes the Chi.

This audio presents the united concepts of both Negentropy and Shen. Crafted in a way to use in your meditative practices etc to bring you closer to a state of regeneration and inner power.
Focus here on blood, consciousness, mind and brain.

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