Roy H. Williams – Ad Writing 101


Roy H. Williams – Ad Writing 101

Roy H. Williams - Ad Writing 101

Roy H. Williams – Ad Writing 101


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(Download available within 1-2 hours)Once in a blue moon the wizard will teach these 12 sessions “live and in person” in Austin and include a series of short workshop sessions where you will be asked to demonstrate each of the skills you’ve just learned.


Roy H. Williams – Ad Writing 101

Roy H. Williams - Ad Writing 101


Ad Writing 101 is an online course taught by the wizard himself in a series of 12 streaming video sessions of approximately 9 to 12 minutes each. Each session is followed by a brief 10-question test requiring you to demonstrate comprehension. Multiple viewings are allowed, but only by the registered user. In other words, the person registered for the course can view a module more than once but “access sharing” is not allowed.
Once in a blue moon the wizard will teach these 12 sessions “live and in person” in Austin and include a series of short workshop sessions where you will be asked to demonstrate each of the skills you’ve just learned. Students who attend this 2-day course in Austin will be given access to the streaming video sessions at no charge. Likewise, persons taking the video course first will receive a discount on the in-person course should they choose to deepen their understanding in that manner.
Graduates of the online video course are considered full Wizard Academy graduates and are entitled to all the privileges associated with that status. (One benefit of Academy graduates is that they can take additional classes at half price.) Upon your completion of the quiz following session 12, you will be mailed an impressive graduation certificate and a gorgeous Wizard Academy lapel pin.
Questions or problems? Call Wizard Academy during business hours at (512) 295-5700 or (800) 425-4769. Wizard Academy is in Austin, Texas, in the Central Time Zone.

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List of Modules:
1. How to Find the Right Idea – Strategy Beats Copy
Don’t worry that you’re not a good writer. “If an ad campaign is built around a weak idea – or as is so often the case, no idea at all – I don’t give a damn how good the execution is, it’s going to fail.” – Morris Hite, legendary adman
2. Why Shorter is Better
Customers can take no action until they’ve seen themselves do it in their minds. Be short, clear, concise, interesting. Don’t clutter your effort. Let nothing get in the way of tight.
3. Transactional Ad Writing – How to Draw a Crowd
How to write ad copy when you must make things happen quickly.
4. Relational Ad Writing – True Branding
How to write Branding ads that are client-specific, rather than product or event-specific.
5. Where to Begin – Choosing Your First Mental Image
Where you’ll find it. Open Big – Make one point: Rhino vs. Porcupine – Core Message
6. How to End – Choosing Your Last Mental Image
Close Big – Going full circle – If you have an important point to make…
7. What to Leave Out
The danger of the “clever” trap. How to avoid empty words. And why never to go looking for the “unique selling proposition.”
8. Keeping their Attention; Secrets of Mind’s-Eye Participation
Examples of Unimaginable Ads made vividly Imaginable. How to do it.
9. How to Make Customers Mention Your Ad
Planting a WordFlag. The power of memorable verbs. (Downloadable master list of attention-getting verbs included.)
10. Slogans, Taglines and Positioning Statements
Magnetic Meter and when/how/why to use it
11. Dialogue, Testimonials and Humor (Nitroglycerine)
The excitement of the high wire. And why beginners should avoid trying to walk it.
12. How to Write Copy that Keeps Clients Sold
Getting credit for delivering exactly what you promised.
This course is taken online in 12 streaming video sessions.

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