Nick Kolenda – Pricing Psychology


Nick Kolenda – Pricing Psychology

Nick Kolenda - Pricing Psychology

Nick Kolenda – Pricing Psychology


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I break down the research on social networks and diffusion to illustrate why some messages go viral (and how to get more people to share your message).



Nick Kolenda – Pricing Psychology

Nick Kolenda - Pricing Psychology

Everybody has a brain.
If you understand how the brain works…
…you can influence behavior.
My Courses

…and much more
How It Works

Course #1
Website Behavior


Small tweaks on your website can influence behavior. This course explains how to adjust certain elements (e.g., colors, images, buttons) to optimize performance.


Video 1: Welcome

Principles of Website Behavior

Video 2: Button Design
Video 3: Button Text
Video 4: Images
Video 5: Banner Sections
Video 6: Website Layouts

Case Study – Great Resumes Fast

Video 6: Banner Section – Click to Watch
Video 7: Home Page
Video 8: Sales Funnel
Video 9: Pricing Plans
Video 10: Checkout


Nick Kolenda


2 hours 11 min

Course #2
Pricing Psychology


You can make prices seem cheaper without changing the numerical values. This course summarizes those techniques (and more).


Video 1: How Do We Evaluate Prices?

Choosing Your Price

Video 2: Which Numbers Should You Choose?
Video 3: Should Your Price Be Rounded or Precise?

Displaying Your Price

Video 4: What’s the Best Visual Size for Your Price?
Video 5: Where Should You Position Your Price?
Video 6: What Should You Put Next to the Price?
Video 7: How to Design Your Pricing Package

Motivating Your Customer

Video 8: How to Reduce the Pain of Paying – Click to Watch
Video 9: How to Structure the Payment
Video 10: Which Products Should You Discount?
Video 11: Which Type of Promotion Should You Offer?
Video 12: How Large Should Discounts Be?
Video 13: How to Frame and Display Your Discount


Nick Kolenda


1hour 10 min

Course #3
Sales Psychology


I analyzed hundreds of academic studies on selling. I compiled the most interesting and practical takeaways into this course.


Video 1: About the Course

Main Course

Video 2: Which Benefits Should You Emphasize?
Video 3: How Should You Frame Your Benefits?
Video 4: How Should You Justify Emotional Purchases?
Video 5: How Should You Use Emotional Appeals?
Video 6: How to Disguise Your Persuasive Intent
Video 7: How Should You Frame Numbers?
Video 8: How Should You Use Scarcity?
Video 9: Summary – DARRP Framework


PDF: My DARRP Framework
PDF: References (Complete List)


Nick Kolenda


1 hour 32 min

Course #4
Viral Marketing


I break down the research on social networks and diffusion to illustrate why some messages go viral (and how to get more people to share your message).


Video 1: Welcome
Video 2: What We’ll Cover

Why People Share Messages

Video 3: Emotional Factors
Video 4: Social Factors

How to Create Shareable Messages

Video 5: Emotional Content
Video 6: Social Implications
Video 7: Polarizing Topics
Video 8: Relatable Humor
Video 9: Topical Content

Seeding Strategies

Video 10: Overview of Seeding
Video 11: Micronetworks
Video 12: Maven Groups
Video 13: Macronetworks
Video 14: Step-By-Step Process


Video 15: Future Directions
PDF: Micronetworks vs. Macronetworks


Nick Kolenda


1 hour 40 min

Course #5
Content Marketing


Earlier in my career, I worked as a digital marketer. I spewed all of my knowledge into this massive 8-hour course. I used this same formula to build my website and blog to 40k+ email subscribers.


Video 1: About the Course – Click to Watch
Video 2: Introduction to Course
Video 3: How I Grew My Blog to 5k Subscribers
Video 4: How to Promote via Content Aggregators
Video 5: How to Promote via Influencer Outreach

Creating Your Content

Video 6: The Goal of Your Content
Video 7: How to Choose Topics
Video 8: Keyword Research Process
Video 9: Heuristics of Epic Content
Video 10: How to Incorporate Academic Research
Video 11: How to Generate Your Own Data
Video 12: How to Create Effective Imagery
Video 13: Variability of Long Form Content
Video 14: Types of Viral Articles
Video 15: Where to Publish Your Content

Optimizing Your Content

Video 16: The Future of SEO
Video 17: Technical SEO
Video 18: Onpage Optimization
Video 19: How to Create Content Upgrades
Video 20: How to Deliver Content Upgrades
Video 21: How to Integrate New Subscribers
Video 22: How to Set Up Google Analytics
Video 23: Tour of Google Analytics
Video 24: How to Measure Content Performance
Video 25: Publishing Checklist

Get Nick Kolenda – Pricing Psychology download

Promoting Your Content

Video 26: How to Compile Influencers
Video 27: Get Influencers to Share Your Content
Video 28: How to Contact Influencers
Video 29: Overview of Link Building
Video 30: How to Boost Your Organic Ranking


PDF: Top 50 Resources for Content Marketers
PDF: Formulas for Headlines
PDF: Helpful Articles
PDF: Examples of Epic Content
PDF: Tutorial – Influencer Outreach
PDF: Tutorial – Academic Research
PDF: Tutorial – Keyword Research
PDF: Keyword Research Spreadsheet
PDF: Influencer Database


Nick Kolenda


8 hours 3 min
I strive for quality videos.

But don’t take my word for it…
To recap, you get…

14+ hours of my best psych insights
5 courses (with more on the way)
Certificates of completion for all courses
Immediate access to new content
Quality time with yours truly :)

Other FAQs

How often do you add new content?

I try to add 1-2 videos every month.

How does this content compare to your free content?

School of Mind is focused on practical applications. Most of the information isn’t available in my books, guides, or YouTube videos. If anything, I keep the best stuff in School of Mind. If everybody knew about these techniques, then they’d be less effective.

What topics will you cover in the future?

I’ll be adding material to existing courses (e.g., pricing, selling), and I’ll be creating new courses (e.g., negotiation, product design).


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