Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions


Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions

Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions


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Monica taught our Pinterest agency how to run effective promoted pin campaigns that serve a variety of goals for our clients. The step-by-step thorough process helped us File size: 1.2 GB


Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions

Monica At Redefining Mom - Pin Practical Promotions

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Pinterest strategy that wasn’t at the whim of an algorithm change?


A step-by-step guide for running your first profitable promoted pin campaign!

Pin Practical Promotions Primer is straight-forward and the perfect “101” strategy for getting started with promoted pins.

your guide for profitable pinterest ads
  • Completely updated for 2019!
  • 40+ pages of actionable advice
  • 7 video tutorials
  • Supplemental spreadsheets and worksheets
  • Lifetime updates
  • $49 towards the purchase of my advanced promoted pins course the next time it launches

Download immediately Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions now


Monica taught our Pinterest agency how to run effective promoted pin campaigns that serve a variety of goals for our clients. The step-by-step thorough process helped us understand promoted pins in a deeper way without all the trial and error of running several failed campaigns. We are no longer floundering, we’re streamlined in our system with promoted pins. This is a game changer!




Promoted Pin Signups

1,029 new email subscriber for only $.27 per signup!

This is practically impossible to do with Facebook Ads and it’s exactly why I love promoted pins so much!

real results from pinterest ads
  • 47 product sales
  • Each sale cost $3.60 on a $9 product
  • $440 profit on $169.20 ad spend — 259.72% RETURN ON INVESTMENT!
  • 557 new email subscribers acquired at only $.30 per subscriber

Make what you spend on ads back with a tripwire offer!



Pin Practical Promotions Primer testimonial


  • Campaign Objective: Grow email list and also sales through existing funnels
  • Campaign Dates: Nov 13, 2018 – Dec 31, 2018 Amount Spent: $424.57
  • Number of Pin Impressions: 175,222
  • Number of Clicks to Website: 2,553
  • Bid Amount per Click: $0.20
  • Actual Amount Spent per Click: $0.17
  • Daily Budget: Between $5-15
  • Clickthrough Rate (CTR): 1.46%
  • Total Email Signups: 456
  • Total Cost per Email Signup: $.93
  • Total Purchases: 25
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): 128.84%

Get Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions download

I collected 456 new email subscribers and paid only $.93 cents per email! This is an amazing cost to acquire new email subscribers in the B2B space! Plus, I made my money back on the ad with tripwire sales and upsells with a 128.84% return on ad spend! ~KARA FIDD,

Pin Practical Promotions Pinterest ad results



Promoted pins are unique for many reasons, but the one that stands out the most is it’s the ad that keeps on giving.

  • Most pinners report a 30% organic boost on promoted pins
  • Access top-performing keyword data and use it with your organic pinning strategy
  • Less competition than other ad platforms
  • Low-cost clicks, email signups, and checkout conversions
  • Chance to be an early adopter on a relatively new ad platform
  • “Skip the line” to the top of search results


Pin Practical Promotions Primer Table of Contents
your guide for setting up profitable pinterest ads

Follow the Pin Practical Promotions Primer blueprint and you’ll be on your way to making money in no time!


About the Creator - Monica Froese from Redefining Mom


Hi! I’m Monica, a professional blogger and Pinterest marketing expert. I have a MBA degree in finance and marketing and blog at Redefining Mom, a site for helping moms thrive in both motherhood and business. In 2015, I traveled to the White House to discuss family-friendly workplace policies with the President’s senior advisors and have been featured on several media outlets including Fox News, Scary Mommy, Healthline, and Mom Talk Radio. I provide online marketing education to professional moms who are looking to build profitable blogs through effective sales funnels and Pinterest traffic, free and paid.

Get Monica At Redefining Mom – Pin Practical Promotions download


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