Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency


Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency

Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency

Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency


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  1. Week 1: Expectations/Resources/Homework
  •  Learn exactly how I start my workday including the first 7 things I do after waking
  •  Instant links to my top 2 recommended books for week 1, top TED Talk, and more
  •  And more


Mike Arce - Build & Scale Your Agency

Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency

The 3 Secrets You’ll Learn in This Course:

Secret #1

How to develop the right processes with the right people to run them

Secret #2

How to build your agency’s financial and take home more cash every month

Secret #3

How to setup your sales & marketing to help LESS people even MORE

Get Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency at the Course Farm

What’s in the course? 

Each course has a training video by Mike Arce, links to resources, and more.

  1. Week 1: Expectations/Resources/Homework
  •  Learn exactly how I start my workday including the first 7 things I do after waking
  •  Instant links to my top 2 recommended books for week 1, top TED Talk, and more
  •  And more
  1. Week 2: Marketing & Sales
  • Learn the exact marketing data you should care about in your agency and how we track ours
  • My top sales strategies and the 3 questions everyone asks themselves before buying
  • And more
  1. Week 3: Culture & Leadership
  • Our exact recruiting process and tools to find A-Players and build out “bench”
  • The employee structure and salary of our team
  • And more
  1. Week 4: Money Management
  • The financial goals & metrics your agency needs to track
  • Exactly how to structure your income statement and screenshots of my business’ income statement
  • And more
  1. Week 5: Processes & Strategy
  • What our agreements look like with our customers & how we onboard clients
  • How to document everything so that all of your processes are systemized
  • And more
  1. Week 6: Content Creation
  • How to build “Know – Like – Trust” content campaigns
  • How to create video memes, your own GIFs, etc.
  • Amping up your content opportunities with PR like speaking opportunities, awards, and more
  1. Week 7: How to Be More Productive
  • Tools to take a full self-assessment to become a machine
  • Our team’s goal setting & hitting strategies
  • Proven ways to control/adjust your environment and GSD

Get Mike Arce – Build & Scale Your Agency at the Course Farm

Sale Page: https://fitness201.clickfunnels.com/build-and-scale-your-agency
Archive: http://archive.is/QYwTB


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