Mary Claire Haver – The Galveston Diet Signature Program


Mary Claire Haver – The Galveston Diet Signature Program

Mary Claire Haver - The Galveston Diet Signature Program

Mary Claire Haver – The Galveston Diet Signature Program


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I had been doing Weight Watchers and stopped losing weight. I heard about the Galveston diet and decided to try it. I am never hungry anymore and I’ve lost 50 lbs between the 2 diets, 25 on each, but nobody noticed until I switched to the Galveston diet.


Mary Claire Haver – The Galveston Diet Signature Program

Mary Claire Haver - The Galveston Diet Signature Program

I was struggling with midlife weight gain. It was AWFUL.

For decades, women have been given the same advice when trying to conquer weight gain during the midlife transition:


Sounds logical right? I thought so too. Until it happened to me.

(And I’m a Physician!)

I had been fit for years, the scale had not budged much and I could always easily get it back to my “happy weight” without too much trouble. Then two things happened: I ed undergoing the changes associated with menopause, and my brother died.

Through my grief process, I gained about 15 pounds. I had stopped working out and paying any attention to what I was eating. I was filling myself with processed carbohydrates and nightly glasses of wine for months.

Once I felt better and realized what I had done to myself, I decided to get back into shape.

I did what I counseled everyone at my age. I ate less, and exercised more, and ate less, and exercised more, and ate less and exercised more, and I would lose a pound or two… and that was it.

I was angry and frustrated and starving myself and not seeing any long term results.


I realized I sounded just like my patients.

It was then I understood I was doing something wrong.
Really really wrong.

When I ed to see the same things happening to my body, naturally I followed the exact advice I had doled out to countless patients. And to my shock and frustration, it didn’t work.

I was practically starving and I couldn’t seem to get more than a few pounds off.

After trying nearly every plan I could find and getting nowhere, I was beginning to lose hope.That’s when I realized that all the women I had seen who had sworn they followed my advice to no avail… were telling the truth. I was embarrassed to admit it.

But more importantly, I was determined to solve it.

As a scientist, I knew the answers were out there, I just had to find them. After much research and trial and error, I’m thrilled to say, I have found our solution. It’s straight forward, easy to apply, and most of all totally effective. I’ve broken it down into a comprehensive course that explains everything.

I can’t tell you the joy and relief I experienced when I finally cracked the code.

Utilizing an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition, rather than simple caloric restriction, I am able to confidently give the world a solution that actually works is amazing. I am delighted when the women who participate return knowing they’re back in control and finally feeling like themselves again. It’s what we all want really.

Going through menopause and perimenopause brings changes that can be a real struggle to adapt to. Adding seemingly uncontrollable changes to our muscle mass and body weight can make it nearly unbearable.

We deserve to have the necessary science to make decisions about how to properly take care of ourselves and our bodies.

Menopause can now be more of a shift for our bodies and not such a life-altering time.

With my program, The Galveston Diet, you can go back to your most confident, vital self again!


Anti inflammatory nutrition instead of calorie restriction

Physician Developed and Tested Program (See Curriculum Below!)
One Time Fee with LIFETIME Access To The Online Program
Instant Access To 24/7 Training
Videos and Comprehensive Resources
Meal Plans
Shopping List
Links to Recipes
Real World Tips and Tricks To Ensure Your Success
Self Paced Learning
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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I’ve had great success. Lost 30 lbs in 4 months. Rarely hungry and surprisingly enjoying the fasting.

This whole concept has changed my way of thinking about food. I still have 60 pounds to go but I’m excited to think I have finally found something that is going to help me with my life long weight struggle. I have so much more energy and feel like my mind is more clear on a daily basis. The easiest part is losing weight without exercising. The toughest part is giving up sweets that I love so much.

I’ve had more success on this than any other diet in the past. I am very happy with this diet and I’m looking forward to my next 30 pounds. I do feel like this is a diet that I can do 95% of my life. I did go off the diet for Christmas and New Year’s and was surprised that I only gained 6 pounds in that two weeks. I can’t wait to get back on the program and reach the energy level that I had while on it.

Rhonda W.

I have found this program extremely easy & flexible. I’ve lost 35 pounds eating healthy versions of all the foods I love. I have a lower leg that’s been swollen for years.

Eating this way, not only do I have no more swelling, I actually have an ankle again. I highly recommend this way of eating to anyone who wants to make a simple change that will have dramatic affects!

Ana D.

I am an avid downhill skier, runner, hiker and scuba diver. I love almost everything outside. My story is similar to yours in that I am getting older and weight is more challenging to get rid of.

I really enjoyed a robust holiday full of fun, food and holiday cheer. I am looking to get rid of it through diet and exercise. My husband, family and I really enjoy “great food” and exercise. I found your program on face book and it spoke to me.

I have always been someone who pays attention to ”calories in” need to be less than“ Calories expended”. After reading your program, I was astonished, as I never really paid attention to carbs. May of the low-cal or low- fat things I have always purchased have WAY MORE carbs. The crazy thing after really being focused on carbs and fiber, NOT on low cal, low fat, I am easily losing weight. And LOVING the FULL flavor of the food!

The other thing I used to make myself do is eat something in the morning. I do “feel better” when fasting and not eating until noon. I have always felt like this; however, it was always ingrained that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Wow! between the fasting (not eating until noon and then only 8 hours) and watching carbs (not eating low fat and/or low calorie) my life has changed positively! I have found the mental clarity, energy and stamina to be successful.

Holly F.

I’ve only been on the program for a week-I purchased prior to Christmas and did a few days of following the program. I really loved the way it made me feel, which made it easy to get back on track after the holidays. Can’t wait to see what the scale says. The easiest part of the program for me was the intermittent fasting.

I’ve never been much of a breakfast person and I often felt guilty for skipping it. Being in healthcare and working primarily with geriatric patients I spend so much time focusing on getting patients to eat that I mentally applied the rule to myself even though eating in the morning didn’t make me feel good. I was ignoring my body, thanks to years of medical propaganda via schooling and continuing education!

Love the fact that you have pushed through so many of the myths we all have taken to heart and told our patients. Go Girl! I’m right behind you :)

Lisa M.

I had been doing Weight Watchers and stopped losing weight. I heard about the Galveston diet and decided to try it. I am never hungry anymore and I’ve lost 50 lbs between the 2 diets, 25 on each, but nobody noticed until I switched to the Galveston diet.

I believe I can eat this way for the long haul. I appreciate you – thanks so much!

Lori O.

I ed the program on September 26, 2018. Today, I’m 37.6 pounds lighter.

My waist: hip ratio has dropped from .9 to .77.

The journey has been a life changer for me in more ways than weight. It helps with autoimmune diseases too!

So grateful to have found Dr Mary Claire Pastor Haver I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease in March.

I had tried for years to lose weight with weight watchers but As I got older, it just didn’t work. I saw your face in my news feed about older women and losing weight. I’m 5’10” and 54 years old.

I weighed 226 pounds in Sept (thank you Prednisone and Boston Baked Beans!) and today I weighed 187.5. My goal is to weigh 170-175, so I’m not far! Use any of this or my other as you wish. Thank you!

Jenny T.

I am just really impressed how you have broken down everything and made it very easy to follow. I have went back to certain documents and everything is organized and easy to find.

Love the grocery lists and recipe links. So far everything looks “user friendly” and not a ton of prep time for meals, which is good for me.

Kelly A.

I ed my journey to healthy living on July 15th 2017. I follow the eating plan and do the intermittent fasting (16 hours). I have lost 77 lbs and never felt better!

I just wish I had known about this earlier in my life! I have yoyo’d all my life and this has been the easiest plan I have ever found. It is so easy to stick to! I am not done yet!!

Debbie R.

I’ve had great success!!!
Thank you. I’ve changed my lifestyle entirely.
1. No sugar in my world
2. No flour
3. No potatoes
4. No fruit juices
5. No processed foods

I’ve lost 23 pounds.

I’ll continue with intermittent fasting and hope to lose another 10 pounds. Thank you!

Pam Z.

Well you have made 2019 a great year for me. My struggle with menopause weight gain was real and the person in the mirror was not me. You literally have changed my life and I am so grateful!!! I even gave up my guilty pleasure of vanilla creamer and honestly really do not miss it!

Michelle G.

I ed in August of 2017 and have lost 25lbs and kept it off. Most of the weight came off the first few months, but I’ve maintained without any problems even through the dreaded month of December.

I was one who hated the idea of giving up my precious bread and margaritas, but it really hasn’t been that bad. In fact, now when I do occasionally eat carb-heavy I feel terrible afterward. My body appreciates the new way of eating and it keeps me honest.

Janene D.

I began the diet at the end of August. I do know my clothes aren’t as tight and my husband has noticed, also. I feel better. I feel more in control. Food makes sense. I found so much of the program easy. The easing into intermittent fasting by adding 30 minutes a day was encouraging, and it made the diet approachable for me.

I found so much of the program easy. The easing into intermittent fasting by adding 30 minutes a day was encouraging, and it made the diet approachable for me. Common sense in a friendly tone. I selfishly want certain things tailored to me, but that’s probably human.

I have so many questions about being 56 and overweight and tired. And to be honest, the program does help with all those issues. All in all, I think the program is approachable and friendly. Thank you for creating it.

Valerie W.

I turned 50 this year, had been having trouble losing weight even exercising 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day! My diet was considered healthy for an athlete, very limited processed foods, High carb, low fat, moderate protein.

I ed w intermittent fasting, and weaned myself off of carbohydrates over a few weeks and then ed Keto and intermittent fasting. I’ve lost 13 lbs and counting. I feel great, no more brain fog, steady energy, no more cravings, and my fasting blood sugar improved. I lost 5 inches in my waist!

Elizabeth L.

I’ve changed my lifestyle entirely.
Hardest part was breaking the sugar cycle. Easiest part is sticking to it once you’re in the rhythm or groove of things. I love finding new recipes that are high protein low carb with lots of great vegetables.
Pamela O.

I have had great success with fasting! I’ve lost 28 lbs and absolutely love this system. I think I have found my thing! Also I just feel great.

I love the ease of moving the eating window for special occasions! Thanks for a great affordable program.

Diane C.

I’m in week 2 and as a busy mom of 5 and a Registered Dietitian what I love most is that I can, in some way, eat some of what my family eats every night for dinner. I’m not making 2 separate meals because I’m following a diet.

I’ve lost 8# in 8 days. I’ve found the intermittent fasting component easy. I also feel less bloated then I was feeling. Glad I found this program by Dr Mary Claire.

Laura K.

There’s no need to age prematurely anymore.

You can reclaim your body and mind and experience these
life-changing effects too:

A reduction in uncomfortable bloating
Skin that’s clear and radiant
A decrease in overall inflammation
Relief from joint pain
More restful sleep
Lessening of thyroid issues
A deeper awareness of your body and your relationship with food
Rewiring your brain to experience food from a place of pleasure, not restriction

Your Instructor

Mary Claire Haver, MD, F.A.C.O.G.
Mary Claire Haver, MD, F.A.C.O.G.

Dr. Mary Claire Haver is a wife, mom, physician, and entrepreneur who has devoted her adult life to women’s health. As a Board Certified OBGYN in the Houston area, Dr. Haver has delivered thousands of babies, completed thousands of well woman exams, counseled patients, taught residents and did everything an academic professor and OBGYN could do. As her patient population aged, she was overwhelmed with the number of complaints and concerns her patients had with weight gain while going through menopause. For years, she told her patients to eat less and exercise more. It wasn’t until she, too, experienced the changes of menopause that she realized this advice doesn’t work.

Dr. Mary Claire Haver is the founder and creator of The Galveston Diet, the first and only nutrition program in the world created by a Female OBGYN, designed for women in menopause. The Galveston Diet is dedicated to helping women reach their health and wellness goals through an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition. In an effort to learn as much as she could about medical nutrition, she became certified in Culinary Medicine in 2019.

She has been married to her husband, Christopher Haver since 1996 and they are raising Katherine and Madeline, the loves of their lives.

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Course Curriculum


Meet Dr. Mary Claire Haver

Are You Interested In A Private Coaching Group For Accountability?

It is not too late to save on bundled companion courses!

An Introduction to The Galveston Diet

Mary Claire’s Personal Story (5:10)

Share And Earn

Our Facebook Community

Meet Sarah Kreiger

Before You Begin The Galveston Diet

Watch This First! (7:24)

Ease Into This (1:15)


Products You May Consider (10:45)

A Word About The Meal Plans


How To Use the Carb Manager Tracking App (6:34)

Share and Earn: The Galveston Diet Affiliate Program

MOVE mini course

Phase 1 of The Galveston Diet: Intermittent Fasting

An Introduction to Intermittent Fasting (7:42)

What is Intermittent Fasting?

How Should I Fast?

Eat, Fast, and Live Longer… Scientific Proof from Experts

Phase 2 of The Galveston Diet: Limiting Inflammation

Dr. Haver explains Chronic Inflammation (this is an hour long :) ) (65:11)

What Is Inflammation?

The Perfect Storm: Aging, Hormone Changes, and Inflammation

Dr. Haver Explains the Relationship Between Inflammation and Food (5:07)

Dr. Haver Explains The Difference Between Foods That Fight Inflammation, And Foods That Cause Inflammation (9:26)

Foods That Cause Inflammation

Foods That Fight Inflammation

The Power of The Omega 6: Omega 3 Ratio

The Scientific Proof and Meet The Experts

Phase 3 of The Galveston Diet: Fuel Refocus

Not Your Brother’s Butter and Bacon Plan! (6:07)

What is Fuel Refocus?

Macro Goals For The Galveston Diet

Common Struggles with Fuel Refocus

Fuel Refocus and Disease Implications

Fuel Refocus Tutorial! (18:48)

The Scientific Proof And Meet The Experts

Products You May Consider

Putting It All Together: The Galveston Diet

Frustrations With Fluctuations In Weight Loss

Galveston Diet Shopping List In General

Frequently Asked Questions

Sugar Alternatives

Alcohol and The Galveston Diet

The Galveston Diet: Weight Loss Challenges

Week 1 Meal Plans, Shopping List, Macros and Recipe Links

Shopping List For Week 1

Galveston Diet Meal Plan For Week 1 – Overview

Day 1 / Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 2/Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 3/Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 4/Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 5/Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 6/Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 7/Week 1 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Week 1 Recipe Links

Week 2 Meal Plans, Shopping List, Macros and Recipe Links

Shopping List For Week 2

Galveston Diet Meal Plan For Week 2 – Overview

Day 1 /Week 2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 2/Week 2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 3/Week 2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 4/Week 2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 5/Week 2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 6/Week 2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Day 7/Week2 Sample Meal Plan With Macros

Week 2 Recipe Links

Week 3 Meal Plans, Shopping List, Macros and Recipe Links

Shopping List for Week 3

Week 3 Meal Plans With Macros

Week 3 Recipes

Week 3 Recipe Links

Week 4 Meal Plans, Shopping List, Macros and Recipe Links

Shopping List For Week 4

Week 4 Meal Plan With Macros

Week 4 Recipes

Week 4 Recipe Links

Week 5 Meal Plans, Shopping List, Macros and Recipe Links

Shopping List For Week 5

Week 5 Meal Plan With Macros

Week 5 Recipes

Week 5 Recipe Links

Coaching Program

Dr. Haver Is Proud To Offer A Private Coaching Option For The Galveston Diet

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Galveston For Life

Galveston For Life Invitation


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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course and finish?
The course s now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
Do you have a money back guarantee?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.



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