Mark Timberlake, Stephen Mather – Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020


Mark Timberlake, Stephen Mather – Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020

Mark Timberlake Stephen Mather - Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020

Mark Timberlake, Stephen Mather – Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020


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Do you want to improve your leadership skills?

This course will help you master core management skills, it is designed for complete beginners, it will you help you overcome challenges that hold you back and help you climb the ladder of success.


Mark Timberlake, Stephen Mather – Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020

Mark Timberlake, Stephen Mather - Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020

Leadership Skills Training – Lean Management – Culture Change – People Management

Do you want to become a better manager?

Do you want to improve your leadership skills?

This course will help you master core management skills, it is designed for complete beginners, it will you help you overcome challenges that hold you back and help you climb the ladder of success.

You will learn core leadership and people skills and you will learn how to master LEAN Business Process Management.

Everything you need to further your Managerial Career!

This course had been developed and delivered by Stephen Mather – A leading UK management change consultant, trainer, coach and psychologist. He will guide you through the tools and techniques that you need to become a successful manager.

So don’t delay – start your journey today!

Topics Covered In The Course:

Module 1 – Management And Leadership:

An Introduction To Management And Leadership

Your Management Philosophy

Being A LEAN Manager

The Forever Learning Manager

Module 2 – Navigating The Course

Overview Of The Course

Who Am I?

Features Of The Course

Applying What You Learn

The Learning Cycle

Module 3 – Becoming An Influential Manager

What It Means To Be Influential

The Behaviour Of Influential People


Why You Need A Vision

Working With SMART Goals

Better Than Buy In

Influencing Attitudes

Communicating To Influence

How Do Influential People Talk?

Body Language

Influence Through Listening

Influencing Your Peers And Boss

Dealing With Difficult People

Opposing Goals Or Narrative

What Do They Fear?

Personal Clashes – The Five Factors

Personality Clashes – Compatibility Is Complex

Talking Their Language

People Watching

Module 4 – The Data Guided Manager

Using Data To Make Good Decisions

The Data Guided Manager Explained

The Data Guided Manager – Further Exploration

Getting Control Of Your Processes

The Different Methods You Can Use To Get Control Of Your Processes

Getting Your Data

Other Types Of Lead Indicators

Choosing KPIs

Analysing The Data

Using The Information

Creating A Data Guided Team

Module 5 – The Everyday Manager

What Sort Of Leader Are You?

The Heartbeat Of Your Role

Using KPIs

Benefits Of Team Meetings

Ten Meeting Musts

Be Available

Communicating By Email

Other Ways To Communicate

Time Management

Managing Performance


Module 6 – LEAN Process Management

Introduction To LEAN Management

LEAN As A Way Of Thinking

LEAN Terms And Concepts

Further LEAN Terms And Concepts

The ProPeC Simple Improvement Process


Motivation – The Two Flavours

Current State Analysis

Creating A Process Map

An Example Process Flow

Root Cause Analysis – 5 Whys

Root Cause Analysis – Fishbone Diagram

Exploring The Why

FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis

Define Your Goal

SMART Goal Setting

Goal Alignment

Identify Actions And Plans

Analysing Potential Ideas

Grid Analysis

Planning Your Change

Understanding Gantt Charts

How To Make A Gantt Chart

Planning Your Control Mechanisms

Implementing Your Change

Keep Your Discipline

Ten Meeting Musts

Action Boards And Issue Logs

The Cost Of Change

Review Processes

The ProPeC Review Process

Module 7 – Training Your Team

What Is Training For?

The Three Box System

Added Value Training

Exploring Added Value Training

Cognitive Learning

Psychomotor Learning

Affective Learning

Training Needs Analysis

Compliance Training

Identifying Training Needs

Pre-course Competency Assessments

How To Choose Training

Cost Free Training

Sheep Dip Or Targeted?

What Is Good Training?

Preparing The Employee

Logistics Planning

Post Course Discussion

Measuring The Effectiveness Of Training

Kirkpatrick Levels

Module 8 – Culture Change Management

Introduction To Culture Change

Why Culture Change Matters

The Impact Of Culture

Positive Goals

Understanding Behavior

Three Ways To Measure Behavior

Behaviorism Explained

Cognitive Psychology Explained

Social Psychology Explained

How Do You Measure A Culture

Using Surveys

Survey Questions

Benefits Of DIY Surveys and On The Shelf Surveys

Benefits Of Using A Consultant

Other Ways To Measure Culture

Measuring Instances Of Behavior

The Semi Structured Interview

Focus Groups And Example Questions

The Down Sides Of Focus Group

Using ProPeC Process For Changing Your Culture

The ProPeC Process Step 1 – The Business Reason

The ProPeC Process Step 2 – Current State Analysis

The ProPeC Process Step 3 – Goals or Objectives

The ProPeC Process Step 4 – Action And Planning

The ProPeC Process Step 5 – Implementing

The ProPeC Process Step 5 – Review

The ProPeC Microscope To Help Action And Planning

Mechanisms For Identifying Actions And Planning

Planning With Gantt Charts

Neuro Logic Levels In Culture Change

Ajzen Theory Of Planned Behavior In Culture Change

Module 9 – Building A Team

Building A Team Introduction

How Does An Effective Manager Deliver

Components Of A Good Team

Defining Roles To Help Deliver Objectives

The Importance Of Vision

Two Islands Getting The Team Involved

Collaboration Is Better Than Buy In

What Are The Indicators Of Good Performance

Identifying A Team’s Can, Know And Care

Silo Mentality And Creating Overlap Between Can, Know And Care

Individual Differences

Belbin’s Team Roles

Types And Traits Psychometrics

Should I Use Psychometrics?

Module 10 – Better Presentation Skills

Your Reason Why

Getting Your Thinking Right

Understanding The Chimp

Understanding The Intellect

Understanding The Computer

Dealing With The Chimp

An Effective Presentation

AIM – Your Reason For Your Presentation

Creating A SMART Goal For Your Presentation

Planning Your Presentation Route

Building Your Main Body

Using PEEL To Make Your Points

Presentation Tools And Using Cards

Public Speaking Fundamentals

Tips For Being Heard

Other Reasons You May Not Be Heard

Being Understood

Diction Tongue Twister Exercise

What About Accents?

Other Word Choices

Tips To Being Understood

How Well Are You Doing?

How Do You Get Better At Presenting

Persuasive Presentations

Key Areas For Motivation

Telling Stories And Using Illustrations

Understanding Modulation

Understanding Gestures

Understanding Visual Aids

Your Call To Action

Sustaining Your Presentation

Module 11 – The Team Lifecycle

Lifecycle Overview

Recruitment Methods

Principles Of Effective Recruitment

Dealing With Poor Performers

Dealing With Grievances

The End Of The Team And Rebirth

Module 12 – Taking Care Of Yourself And The Future Of Management

Get Mark Timberlake Stephen Mather – Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Masterclas 2020 download

Keeping Your Head

Building up Resilience

Buckets Of Resources

Training Your Thinking

Maintaining Work Life Balance

When It Is Time For A Change

Using ProPec Improvement Process For Personal Use

Alternatives To Being Employed

The Future Of Management

Join Us

So join us on the other side and learn how to become a successful manager!
Who this course is for:

This course is for absolute beginners and brand new managers.
This course is for managers that have not had in depth training and might be struggling to deliver targets.
This course is for those that have a desire to succeed as a manager and need to gain core competencies.


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