Marcel Hof – Dopamine Activation Breathing


Marcel Hof – Dopamine Activation Breathing

Marcel Hof - Dopamine Activation Breathing

Marcel Hof – Dopamine Activation Breathing


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Over the last 40 years, Marcel and his brothers have tested many forms of breathwork. Dopamine Activation Breathing (D.A.B.) has been shown to be one of the most powerful. It has helped thousands of students break free from stress, anxiety, overwhelm and a growing list of mental, physical and emotional struggles.


Marcel Hof – Dopamine Activation Breathing

Marcel Hof - Dopamine Activation Breathing

The foundation of Marcel’s powerful teachings, we begin our transformational journey with Dopamine Activation Breathing. This technique improves your general well being, releases trauma, relieves stress, anxiety and depression and offers a host of other scientifically proven health benefits. This 5-day course alone will totally transform every aspect of your life.
The Power Of Breathwork

What is Dopamine Activation Breathing?

Over the last 40 years, Marcel and his brothers have tested many forms of breathwork. Dopamine Activation Breathing (D.A.B.) has been shown to be one of the most powerful. It has helped thousands of students break free from stress, anxiety, overwhelm and a growing list of mental, physical and emotional struggles.
Why Breathwork?

Breathwork is the fastest way to alter our state of being and shift out of a negative mindset, and away from limiting beliefs. Adopting the practice connects us with our innate wisdom. This brings greater awareness to our self, life and the decisions we make, which leads to overall well-being and happiness. The BONUS? Breathing is FREE and available at any time!
How Does Breathwork Work?

Rhythmic breathing hyper-oxygenates the body, altering the pH of the bloodstream and creates a stronger electromagnetic field and current throughout the body. This activates the natural chemicals that your body produces. In this state, negative emotions are released and cleansed. This is the reason many doctors and psychologists are now turning to breathwork as a viable option for treatment, health, and healing.

Marcel focuses on accessing the power within, and reaching personal autonomy.

Although Marcel and Wim grew up in the same family, practicing and learning together, they are both different personalities, and gravitate towards different approaches. Marcel focuses on accessing the power within, and reaching personal autonomy. He uses different methods to activate what he calls the “Internal Drug-Store”, and allow people to experience the power of their own body and mind.


Marcel Hof offers his first breathwork technique to a highly discounted price.


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What people are saying
— Dopamine Activation Breathing —

Course Curriculum

A Message from Marcel Hof

Before we breathe…

Message from Marcel Hof

Introduction to Dopamine Activation Breathing (D.A.B.) Course

Intro to Dopamine Activation Breathing

Your Breathwork Booklet & Breathwork Journal

Prepare Your Practice Environment

D.A.B. Technique Instructions

Breath Holds & How to Practice Them Safely

Length of Practice

Disclaimer & Contraindications

Rest, Recovery & Insights

D.A.B. Day 1

Day 1 – Introduction (0:27)

D.A.B. Breathwork Tutorial

Day 1 – D.A.B. Practice (14:14)

Day 1 D.A.B. Audio Only Practice

Day 1 – Marcel Hof’s Life Story (2:33)

D.A.B. Day 2

Day 2 – Introduction (1:17)

Day 2 – D.A.B. Practice (20:35)

Day 2 – D.A.B. Audio Only Practice

Day 2 – Marcel Hof’s Life Story (4:45)

D.A.B. Day 3

Day 3 – Introduction (0:54)

Day 3 – D.A.B. Practice (27:02)

Day 3 – D.A.B. Audio Only Practice

Day 3 – Marcel Hof’s Life Story (2:33)

D.A.B. Day 4

Day 4 – Introduction (2:20)

Day 4 – D.A.B. Practice (34:37)

Day 4 – D.A.B. Audio Only Practice

Day 4 – Marcel Hof’s Life Story (1:34)

D.A.B. Day 5

Day 5 – Introduction (2:08)

Day 5 – D.A.B. Practice (34:07)

Day 5 – D.A.B. Audio Only Practice

Day 5 – Marcel Hof’s Life Story (2:52)

After Course Practice

Conclusion to D.A.B. Online Course (1:07)

Marcel’s Guide to a Lifetime of Practice

Weekly Schedule Calendar Options

Before you go…

BONUS: 28 Day Breathwork Challenge Level 1

28 Day Breathwork Challenge & Downloadable Calendar

Day 1 DAB 2 x 5 min

Day 2 DAB 3 x 5 min

Day 3 DAB 4 x 5 min

Day 4 DAB 5 x 5 min

Day 5 DAB 1 x 5 min 1 x 10 min

Day 8 DAB 2 x 6 min

Day 9 DAB 2 x 7 min

Day 10 DAB 2 x 8 min

Day 11 DAB 2 x 9 min

Day 12 DAB 2 x 10 min 1×15 min

Day 15 DAB 2 x 11 min

Day 16 DAB 2 x 12 min

Day 17 DAB 2 x 13 min

Day 18 DAB 2 x 14 min

Day 19 DAB 2 x 15 min 1 x 20 min

Day 22 DAB 1 x 5 min 1×20

Day 23 DAB 1 x 10 min 1 x 20 min

Day 24 DAB 1 x 15 min 1 x 20 min

Day 25 DAB 2 x 15 min 1 x 20 min

Day 26 DAB 1 x 15 min 2 x 20 min

BONUS: 28 Day Breathwork Challenge Level 2

28 Day Breathwork Challenge Level 2 Downloadable Calendar

Day 1 DAB 2 x 5 min

Day 2 DAB 3 x 5 min

Day 3 DAB 4 x 5 min

Day 4 DAB 5 x 5 min

Day 5 1 x 5 min 1 x 10 min

Day 8 DAB 2 x 5 min 1×10 min

Day 9 DAB 3 x 5 min 1 x 10 min

Day 10 1 x 5 min 2 x 10 min

Day 11 DAB 2 x 5 min 2 x 10 min

Day 12 DAB 3 x 5 min 2 x 10 min

Day 15 DAB 1 x 5 min 1 x 10 min

Day 16 DAB 1 x 5 min 1 x 10 min 1 x 15 min

Day 17 DAB 2 x 10 min 1 x 15 min

Day 18 DAB 3 x 10 min 1 x 15 min

Day 19 DAB 1 x 10 min 2 x 15 min

Day 22 DAB 1 x 5 min 1 x 20 min

Day 23 DAB 1 x 10 min 1 x 20 min

Day 24 DAB 1 x 15 min 1 x 20 min

Day 25 2x 15 min 1 x 20 min

Day 26 1 x 15 min 2 x 20 min

Bonus materials

Breathwork Guide

Access Marcel’s guide to building and continuing your own practice! 40 years of experimentation and exploration have led Marcel to share his secrets with the world. Take a peek inside the mind of the man who developed the life-changing Dopamine Activation Breathing technique. Apply his teachings, and your life will never be the same again! After the 5-day course is complete, your journey is just beginning! Take your practice even deeper by accepting one of Marcel’s 28-day post-course breathwork challenges!
Breathwork Journal

Get Marcel Hof – Dopamine Activation Breathing download

Hold yourself accountable. This free downloadable journal helps you set your intentions, track your daily growth and log your results. One day you’ll look back and see how much progress you’ve made and how far you’ve come! Practice. Transform. Repeat.
Available on all devices

You will be guided through 5 days of practice. Intimate HD video stories of Marcel and a first-person account of his breathwork journey showing you how these techniques can be used in your life to get the most from this empowering process. If you’re truly committed to transformation, The Marcel Hof Method provides, then going all-in on this 5-day journey and 28 day, step-by-step follow-up challenge, is by far the easiest and most powerful way to see amazing results RIGHT NOW!


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