Kobe and Du – Ecom Secret Sauce


Kobe and Du – Ecom Secret Sauce

Kobe and Du - Ecom Secret Sauce

Kobe and Du – Ecom Secret Sauce


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I don’t know about you, but for me I would choose the RETAIL STORE every single time.

But you might be thinking, “Beau, that sounds great – but not everyone has the money to start a retail store like Walmart.”


Kobe and Du – Ecom Secret Sauce

Kobe and Du - Ecom Secret Sauce

Did you know that you can actually build a profitable Amazon FBA business by selling products people ALREADY want to BUY?

And these products are big brand name products (products like Beats by Dr. Dre, Apple, etc.).
These are products people already know, products that are ALREADY selling.
You see, many Amazon sellers are struggling right now…
Because people are telling them they need to either create something completely new, or worse…
Dropship the cheapest items they can find on Alibaba.
Why reinvent the wheel with a new product? Or settle for the low quality products from Alibaba?
Because you know what, you do not need to do any of that to succeed on Amazon.


  • Buy Low…
  • Sell High…
  •  AND Sell What People Are Already Buying From A Trusted Source! 

This sounds simple…

But you wouldn’t believe how many Amazon sellers aren’t following these principles and still wondering why they aren’t seeing success.

Now, the business model I’m about to show you is very, very simple. And it’s very scalable. 

But, let me be clear about what this business model is NOT.

It is NOT dropshipping products from Alibaba.

It is NOT about buying products, private-labelling them, and wasting money on PPC ads building your ‘brand’.

It is NOT dumpster-diving looking for the cheapest products and spending hours creating listings and descriptions.

The model I’m about to you show you is an old and proven system – but for some reason, people have forgotten about it.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about RETAIL. More specifically, online retail. 

When you think about it, Amazon is basically a large ONLINE SHOPPING MALL.

And when you sell on Amazon, you can choose what type of business you want to have.

You can open up your own shop, build and sell your own products, promote your own brand – like a Mom-and-Pop shop.


You can open up a store and sell other PROVEN and TRUSTED brand-name products  – like large retail stores (Walmart, Macy’s, Target, etc.)

Now, you’ve probably heard the statistics about how 95% of businesses fail…

How many of the 95% do you think were Mom-and-Pop shops and how many of those were retail stores?

So with that in mind, which type of business would you want?

I don’t know about you, but for me I would choose the RETAIL STORE every single time.

But you might be thinking, “Beau, that sounds great – but not everyone has the money to start a retail store like Walmart.”

Well, you’re right. And you’re wrong.

You see, Walmart has to pay for a LOT of expenses and infrastructure to make their business profitable.

Employees, warehouse, customer service, delivery… and not to mention the actual cost of the products…

BUT, that’s the beauty of starting an Amazon FBA business online.

There’s NO warehouse, NO employees, NO customer service costs…

All of this is taken care of by Amazon FBA!

Get Kobe and Du – Ecom Secret Sauce download

What’s In The Course?

You’re going to get 10 modules of actionable info-packed content… (+ 2 bonus  modules!)

1. Introduction

  • Overview of Selling on Amazon
  •  Setting up Legal Business
  •  Setting up Your Amazon Seller account
  •  Navigating thru Seller Central – Getting Used to your seller account
  •  FBA VS FBM – How should you fulfill your products

2. How to get sales

  • The Buy Box – How to Position yourself to get all the sales
  •  How the Buy Box Rotates – how to know who your real competitors are
  •  How to send products to Amazon FBA warehous
  •   How to “list” your units in Amazon’s Catalo
  •   How to Monitor the Buy Box and Manage pricing to sell at the highest price

3. Product Research

  • How to utilize sales rank –  to understand how many sales your products will get
  •  How to understand price history for your products 
  • How to understand sales rank history – to understand how long your products will sell for
  •  Understand all fees involved

4. Sourcing

  • Sourcing Overview
  •  What is an Authorized Supplier? 
  •  Where to find the products from the suppliers?
  •  All The Different Types Of Suppliers
  •  How Many Suppliers Do You Need?

5. Finding Suppliers

  • Strategy #1 – Strategy that is looking at you right in the eyes
  •  Strategy #2 – Old methods still work
  •  Strategy #3 – The most secretive process of finding suppliers
  •  Strategy #4 – Old methods still work #2
  •  Strategy #5 – A very overlooked strategy

6. Vetting Out Suppliers

  • How to Know when you got a good one?
  •   What to ask the suppliers
  •  Common red flags to be looking for
  •  Secret ways to ALWAYS get suppliers to respond to yo
  •   How to make sure they are legit

7. Working with Suppliers

  • Which products will work for you
  •   How to open accounts with suppliers
  •  How to get their products
  •  How to make an educated buying decision
  •  Logistics, how to get your supplier to ship directly to amazon

8. Building relationships with suppliers

  • Overview of building a relationship
  •  Why they will take anyone’s business
  •  How to build a relationship with suppliers
  •  Benefits of building a relationship
  •  All the new opportunities created

9. Ungating

  • Ungating Overview
  •  How to Get Ungated in Any Main Category 
  •  How to Get Ungated in Any Sub-Category
  •  How to Get Ungated in Any brand
  •  How to Apply invoices correctly

10. Conclusion

  • Bringing it all together
  •   Accounting
  •  All You Need To Do In Your Business
  •  Keep It Simple
  •  Tracking Course Updates

And don’t forget, you’re also getting these two bonus modules…

Bonus Module

  • Multi-Channel Fulfillment
  •  Selling in international Markets
  • Selling excess inventory
  •  Making quick flips by wholesaling inventory
  •   Managing Inventory

Extra MISC Details

  • Inventory Limits
  •  Storage Fees, Monthly & Long Term Storage
  • Generating business reports
  •  Performance
  •  Removal Orders


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