John Barrows – World-Class Sales Trainer – Filling The Funnel


John Barrows – World-Class Sales Trainer – Filling The Funnel

John Barrows - World-Class Sales Trainer - Filling The Funnel

John Barrows – World-Class Sales Trainer – Filling The Funnel


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I’ve been a geek for training and personal development for the last 10 years and John’s high-integrity, ultra-logical approach to prospecting, selling, and negotiating the close stands out from the crowd by a mile. Thanks for the great coaching John! Let me know when you ink your book deal! (it can’t be far off…)


John Barrows – World-Class Sales Trainer – Filling The Funnel

John Barrows - World-Class Sales Trainer - Filling The Funnel


In this session we lay the foundation for prospecting success by outlining the mentality, approach and specific activity numbers necessary to excel. You will walk away with:

The key to staying relevant in Sales as the profession continues to evolve and automate
How to apply the fundamental process of sales (AIDA) to prospecting
A specific equation that breaks down your unique numbers to success


In this session we dive into the importance of client segmentation and the nuances involved in identifying which clients are worth spending our time on. You will walk away with:

A process to segment and refine your account list into Tier1, Tier2, and Tier3
How to effectively balance quality and quantity prospecting activities
How to create your Tier1 Hit List and what to do with it


In this session we look within our target accounts to find the executives we need to connect with and how to speak their language to maximize our chances of a response. You will walk away with:

A definition of the Power Line and the characteristics of a true Champion
Specific words, phrases and approaches to avoid and use when e-mailing or calling executives
The top 3 priorities of all C level executives in 10 core industries


In this session we identify the business triggers that are most relevant to our targets and how to find them, leveraging research and social tools to make relevant connections. You will walk away with:

A list of business triggers to listen for specific to the value your solution provides
Where and how to find business triggers for your target accounts
How to get information and triggers on your accounts


In this session we learn how to develop messaging that focuses on getting the attention of the key executives we want to connect with and earning the right to continue the conversation. You will walk away with:

Why the traditional Elevator Pitch fails
How to develop multiple attention-grabbing statements that can be used in calls or e-mails
How to create a Messaging Matrix based on triggers and priorities


In this session we focus on delivering your message through phone with a specific structure and best practice approach. You will walk away with:

How to develop and deliver the “Winning Call”
Specific weak introductions to avoid and powerful introductions to use when making calls
How to leave a voice mail that focuses them to listen to your value proposition before hanging up


In this session we focus on delivering your message through e-mail with a specific structure and best practice approach. You will walk away with:

How to write the “Why You, Why You Now” e-mail that drives a 15-20% positive response rate from executives


In this session put all the learnings from the previous sessions together to create a contact strategy to drive consistent, effective prospecting. You will walk away with:

How to implement a multi-touch contact strategy that focuses on saying something different and adding a different piece of value on each touch
The difference between your Tier1 and Tier2 account contact strategy to maximize time management


In this session we talk about how to integrate social selling into your process to help drive results and build your brand. You will walk away with:

A clear definition of the two main components of social selling and how to do both
What tools, technologies and resources to use to maximize your social selling activities
How to build social selling into your daily routine


In this session we address how to improve your time management skills while also figuring out which prospecting approaches work and which ones don’t. You’ll walk away with:

How to define your different approaches and split test them to see which ones work
How to focus your time while tracking and measuring results
The key to consistent improvement

Your Instructor

John Barrows
John Barrows

John Barrows ed his career making over 400 calls a week and growing Thrive Networks to a $10 million a year company and taking every training he could. After Thrive was acquired by Staples, John joined Basho, the team whose training resonated with him the most. At Basho, John was the only trainer who also was active in selling their services each and every day. After Basho, John launched JBarrows sales training and has trained sales reps around the world at companies like Salesforce, Google, and Box.

Course Curriculum

Filling The Funnel

Intro and Resources (1:45)

Lay The Foundation (6:00)

Identify The Target (5:48)

Know Your Audience (10:35)

Find Your Reasons (11:52)

Develop Your Message (4:18)

Delivering Your Message (phone) (8:35)

Delivering Your Message (email) (4:19)

Implement Your Contact Strategy (4:09)

Integrate Social Selling (3:42)

Manage Your Time (3:47)

“John’s online portal is a total game changer. It goes beyond the one day training and allows reps to stay connected to John!”

– Laura Holmes, Senior Manager, Salesforce

John has a gift for being able to present winning sales techniques in a way that is easy to comprehend, retain and more importantly implement. His passion for sales is infectious and undeniable. He makes you a better sales person, period. I would strongly recommend him to anyone who is looking to grow their business and improve their sales force.

-Vincent Verducci, Regional Sales Manager


I highly recommend anyone who is looking to improve their sales game to take John’s trainings. John’s knowledge of traditional and nontraditional selling techniques and sales methodology is his key differentiator from other sales trainers.

Outside of his trainings, John is down-to-earth and is willing to help others succeed.

-Dan Houck, Commercial Sales

We hired John to train our BDRs and Growth segment AEs during a pivotal time at Talkdesk and in less than two weeks, his training has become the nucleus for our entire outreach strategy; we’re already seeing an uptick in email responses, increased rep confidence in cold calls, and more meetings of value being set up meetings for Dreamforce 2017.

There are trainings where reps are taken off of the phones for a day or two, only to disregard everything they’ve learned a short time later. There are also trainings that keep you engaged and motivate you to change for the better with practices you can put into action the same day. John firmly belongs in the latter camp and we’re expecting a successful Q4 and beyond partly due to him; I cannot stress enough that his training is well worth the investment and then some.

– Ilan Kopecky, Inside Sales and Development Leader

I’ve been a geek for training and personal development for the last 10 years and John’s high-integrity, ultra-logical approach to prospecting, selling, and negotiating the close stands out from the crowd by a mile. Thanks for the great coaching John! Let me know when you ink your book deal! (it can’t be far off…)

Get John Barrows – World-Class Sales Trainer – Filling The Funnel download

– Mac Strong, Territory Manager

How long is the training?

Each course takes about 6 hours to complete including exercises. Instead of filling it with fluff, we focus on bringing you tactical relevant content that you can using immediately to sell more. We recommend setting aside 60-90 minutes per session and doing one per week.
What if I’m not satisfied?

We’re confident you’ll find multiple ways to close more deals. If after completing the training, you don’t feel you’ve gained any value, we will gladly refund your money.
Where can I access the training from?

You can access the training from anywhere you have an internet connection! The office, home, library, your tablet, or your phone. Our content is 100% hosted in the cloud so you can access it anywhere.
What is the difference between your training and other free programs?

There are many things that differentiate our online sales training program from others out there. First is the content. This is the exact same content John has delivered to some of the fastest growing companies. Another differentiator is our production quality. Everything has been professionally recorded and edited. Finally we make sure that the content is up to date and current. The sales landscape has changed from even a few years ago.
Who is this course for?

This course is for B2B sales professionals who want to hone their craft and advance their career. Filling the Funnel is about building a big fat pipeline, it’s great for SDRs and BDRs who spend the day pounding the phones and account executives who do their own prospecting.



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