John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success


John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success

John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success

John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success


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If Business Success Could Be Bottled And Sold, It Would Look Like This! How Much Would it Change Your Life if You Could Double, Even TRIPLE Your Business Revenues and Profits – This Year?


John Assaraf – Cloning of Business SuccessJohn Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success

Get John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success at the Course Farm

If Business Success Could Be Bottled And Sold, It Would Look Like This!

How Much Would it Change Your Life if You Could Double, Even TRIPLE Your Business Revenues and Profits – This Year?

Act Now and Here are Just SOME of What You Will Learn AND Accomplish in Your Cloning of Business Success Program:

Your Comprehensive Cloning Of Business Success Program—Valued at $7,500

• 3 Solid Days of Intense Video Training

• Comprehensive Workbook & Manual – Over 200 pages!

• Exercises, Checklists, Examples, Actual Results, and Dozens of Tools and Resources!

You Will Zero In On…

• Your Ideal Business Vision & Lifestyle

• Your Ideal Client Profile

• A Distinct Brand Identity for Your Product or Service

• Your Plan & Model for Your Most Predictable, Most Consistent Revenue Streams

You Will Determine With Absolute Precision…

• Your Best Sales & Marketing Strategies for Exponential Growth

• Your Key Performance Indicators (What to follow, how to track, what to do with the information)

• Your Best Sales and Marketing Channels

• Your Sales Process Map

You Will Actually Create…

• Your Amazing Marketing Message

• Your Unique Core Story & Communication Strategy

• Develop a Killer Website That Converts prospects Into Sales

• You Will Learn the Most Advanced Online Lead Generation Strategies to Double or Triple Your Income

You Will Drastically Reduce Your Time, Effort and Stress By…

• Learning How to Automate as Much of Your Business as Possible

• Focusing on Your Highest Income & Highest Impact Producing Activities

• Winning the Inner Game so You Can Play the Outer Game at the Pro Level

• Developing Your 90-Day Action Plan to Get You There

Get John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success at the Course Farm

PLUS, ALL These Valuable Bonuses — Worth ANOTHER $5,391!

Daily VIP Coaching and Support
Subscription Value $3,997 (actually priceless!)

Personality Strengths Assessment and Video
(For You AND 2 Employees)
Value $1,000

How to Build Amazing Company Culture Video Training
Value $197

Automating Your Lead and Sales Funnels Video Training
Value $197

Total Value of ALL of Your Training, Resources, Tools and Bonuses is $12,891…
Get it Now for Just $1,997
And Get Your EXTRA Special…

Proven Facebook Advertising Secrets With John Assaraf
Value $297

Day 1
1. John Assaraf – The 6 Hats of Business
2. Andy Jedynak – Praxis Now
3. John Assaraf – KPIs and Dashboards
4. Frank Kern – (He talks about Consulting stuff)

Day 2
1. Day 2 Review and Share
2. Howard Lim – Branding Your Business
3. John Assaraf – Develop Your Marketing Message
4. John Assaraf – Lead Generation
5. Talor Zamir – Google Advertising
6. Jill Lublin – Guerrilla Publicity
7. John Assaraf – Social Media Marketing

Day 3
1. Day 3 Review and Share
2. John Assaraf – Designing A Sales Process Map For Your Company
3. John Assaraf – Daily Rituals for Optimal Performance
4. John Assaraf – Your 90 Day Action Plan

Get John Assaraf – Cloning of Business Success at the Course Farm


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