Gloria Atanmo – Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided)


Gloria Atanmo – Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided)

Gloria Atanmo - Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided)

Gloria Atanmo – Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided)


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The main objective of the Blog Like a Boss Course is teaching you how to master your blog’s voice, delivering relatable content, attracting on-brand sponsors, develop confidence in your pitch, and create multiple streams of income, broken down into the following modules:



Gloria Atanmo – Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided)

Gloria Atanmo - Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided)

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Learn a little about what the course includes and some expectations from me, your future mentor!


Your Instructor


Gloria Atanmo
Gloria Atanmo


Gloria Atanmo is a travel blogger, author, digital storyteller, coach, and nap enthusiast with a narrative set on inspiring others to discover the world of knowledge out there that simply can’t be taught in a classroom.


You can find her running desperately through the wrong terminal at an airport, or sleeping in an upright position.


Barack Obama ed following her on Twitter a few years ago, and she includes this tidbit just about anywhere she can.


If you’re here to gain a coach, be prepared to get a cheerleader in the process too.



Through 80 countries across 6 continents, people rely on for witty, reflective, and informative stories around the world, as well as her Instagram @glographics for visual storytelling.


The main objective of the Blog Like a Boss Course is teaching you how to master your blog’s voice, delivering relatable content, attracting on-brand sponsors, develop confidence in your pitch, and create multiple streams of income, broken down into the following modules:


Module 1:
Branding Yourself & Your Story


Module 2:
Audience Growth & Relationship-Building


Module 3:
Purpose-Driven Content & Storytelling


Module 4:
Glo, What the Heck Am I Worth?


Module 5:
Pitch Templates & How to Work With Brands


Module 6:
Contracts & Negotiating Hacks


Module 7:
Search Engine Optimization, Agencies, & Tools


Module 8:
Business Strategies & Monetization


There’s so much money to be made in this space, and although saturated, I don’t find blogging to be competitive.



Free flights and gifted products don’t pay my bills, so while they were great in the beginning, you all are going to reach a point where you transition into another realm of your offerings and you need to be stricter about the brands and opportunities you give your time to.


We’re here to support and encourage one another and shaming of any kind will not be tolerated in this course.


Course Curriculum




Introduce Yourself

What You’ll Learn (6:35)

Course Overview

Blog Like A Boss Guide + Tips For Success


Module 1: Branding Yourself & Your Story


The Power of Story & Decreasing Pressure to Publish (13:44)

Personal Branding vs. Business Branding (10:26)

Writing Prompts for Better Blogging

Conveying Personality Through Words (11:24)

How to Get Press Features

Weekly Challenge: Writing The Story You Want To Be Remembered By (2:23)

QUIZ: Module Review


Module 2: Audience Growth & Relationship-Building


Identifying Your Ideal Reader (5:23)

How to Add Value to Your Audience Every Time You Post (6:34)

Networking Up: How to Get the Big Guys to Notice You (8:38)

The 1,000 True Fans Theory (5:10)

Weekly Challenge: Instagram Stories

QUIZ: Module Review


Module 3: Purpose-Driven Content, Critics, & Competition


Overcoming Envy: Create Before You Consume (9:32)


Writing, Photography, or Video? Pick Your Poison! (12:47)

How to Handle Online Criticism (7:54)

What Brands Love to See in Your Content (7:25)

Weekly Challenge: Passive Income (3:36)

QUIZ: Module Review


Module 4: Glo, What the Heck Am I Worth?


Oh, Sh*t! I can charge for that?! (8:38)

Industry Standard Rates (3:58)

Charging a Premium with an Upsell (7:59)

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Saying YES to Any Opportunity (3:41)

Giving Options to Accommodate Varying Budgets

Weekly Challenge: Making Your Media Kit in Canva

QUIZ: Module Review


Module 5: Pitch Templates to Work with Hotels, Brands, and Tourism Boards


Pitch Template for Hotels

Pitch Template for Tour Operators

Pitch Template for Brands

Pitch Template for Tourism Boards

Pitch Template for Publications

Fortune in the Follow-Up

Weekly Challenge: Craft A Pitch For Your Dream Brand


Module 6: Emails, Contracts & Negotiating Hacks


Email Etiquette 101 (11:49)

Creating a Professional Email Signature (5:16)

My $20,000 Negotiating Tip (6:11)

5 Things to Look For in Every Contract (8:01)

For the Love of All Things Avocado & Holy, Please Don’t Be “THAT” Blogger (8:46)

Weekly Challenge: Transform This Blog Post Opener (1:03)

QUIZ: Module Review


Module 7: Search Engine Optimization, Agencies, & Creative Writing Practices


SEO 101

The Top-Paying Agencies to Work With

Figurative Language: How to Use Metaphors, Analogies, and Alliterations to Spice Up Your Writing

35 Tools to Automate Your Business

Weekly Challenge: Rewrite Your Most Viewed Blog Post


Module 8: Business Strategies & Monetization


15 Ways to Monetize Your Blog (17:21)

Affiliate Marketing 101 (7:49)

Six-Figure Habits (7:38)

Selling a Product Without Selling Your Soul (4:14)

QUIZ: Module Review

Weekly Challenge: 3 Final Ways to Earn Points




Join Our Group Chat!

Coronavirus Check-in Call (94:30)

2020 Social Media Strategy Call! (137:03)

10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Best Money-Making Podcast Episodes

Blog Post (extended): 10 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Making Any Money & How to Fix It

“From Excuses to Excursions: How I ed Traveling the World” – My Ebook

TravelCon Presentation

Behind-the-Scenes of Creating this Course (7:05)

Course Completion Certificate & Survey!

Get Gloria Atanmo – Blog Like A Boss (Self-Guided) download

Frequently Asked Questions


How long will it take me to complete this on my own?
In the past, I’ve taught this as an 8-week course, with the average person spending between 3-4 hours each week on the modules, assignments, and implementation. Depending on how much time you have each week, you could definitely finish it in a month’s time and implementing the strategies immediately after each module.
How long do I have access to the course?
Alexa play, “Until the End of Time” by Justin Timberlake ;)
What is your refund policy?
After teaching over 250 students to date, I’m proud to say not a single refund was ever requested from any student who ed the course, even though I extended a 30-day money-back policy. The value of this course speaks through the testimonials, and because you get instant access to everything at once, there will be no refunds granted. But please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] for any questions about this policy.

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