Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New


Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New

Elma Mayer - Heal Your Situation New

Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New


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Every “problem” is actually a much larger Situation. And it is energetically entangled with everything in the universe – and all of space & time.


Elma Mayer – Heal Your Situation New

Elma Mayer - Heal Your Situation New

Heal Your Situation:
Deep Healing for Any Pain or Problem

The Problem with trying to heal your Problem…

… is that your “problem” is hardly ever just one thing.

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Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t just have one single root cause..

Because… what caused that root cause? (And with all the work you’ve already done on it… if there were just a simple, single source for your problem… you would have healed it by now!)

Every “problem” is actually a much larger Situation. And it is energetically entangled with everything in the universe – and all of space & time.

In this program, we Disentangle ALL of that… with a revolutionary new way to Heal Your Situation.

Activate Deep Healing for your Entangled Situation…
without giving up your power (or lots of energy, time & money)

Free yourself from desperately seeking specialists, or:

  • Running around to different experts who give you conflicting advice  (but who don’t look at the larger context of your many entangled issues)
  • Wishing for powerful miracle-workers, shamans, or gurus to save you
  • Chasing elusive root causes

These Healing Sessions fully empower you to…

Plug In to the Healing Field – Directly – Yourself.

  • No need for private sessions with energy healers or therapists.
  • No need to seek different specialists with conflicting cures. ***
  • No need to pinpoint the so-called “root cause” of your problem or get an elusive or unhelpful diagnosis. ***

You can untangle the many different knots that hold you back from automatic healing… simply by using this program.

With this program…

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Do you have hidden blockages to healing?

We all do sometimes! But we are often oblivious to them.

However, these powerful audios work at light-speed to:

  • Unblock your connection to the Healing Field (not just for your body & mind, but for your energy, time, space & everything!)
  • Unravel your HIDDEN distortions (that keep you stuck in unwanted situations)
  • Unleash your INNATE power (to revitalize your body, mind, money, love… and whole life)

Open yourself up to the flow of the Healing State.

How can you access the Healing Field directly?
It’s actually easy.

In this program, you’ll get step-by-step guidance.

You’ll be able to:

  • Plug yourself into the healing field, for “automatic” healing.
  • Evaporate buried blockages that bind you to your deepest problems
  • Receive instant healing Alignments for your unique pains and limiting patterns
  • Remove your resonance with disease, doubts & self-sabotage
  • Open up ALL areas of your life, to freedom, flow & ease

Why heal Your “Situation” – not just a “Problem”?

Why not treat each Symptom or Struggle as a Separate Issue – and get a Specialist for it?

We’ve been led to believe we should consult highly-trained specialists to treat each individual pain, pattern and problem in our lives separately. But even so-called “holistic” specialists often ignore the distant resonances and unknown entanglements that keep your problem in place.

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And even worse… If you have more than one pain or problem… you’ll spend way too much of your energy, time and money chasing down specialists for each individual problem!

Because there is no such thing as an isolated problem, pain, or difficulty

All of your “issues” are actually much larger Situations.
For example…

If you have Physical Pain…

… You don’t just have an injury, inflammation or infection! You probably also have issues like…

  • Fear that the pain will worsen with age, or self-blame that you somehow “attracted” it (even though you’ve done everything right).
  • Loss of freedom – you stop going to your favorite yoga class because others might judge you as old and out-of-shape… so your life gets even more limited… so you work fewer hours, then go into debt.
  • Side effects from medications…. uncertainty about which treatment options will work… and whether you’ll even be able to pay for them!

If you have a Financial Problem…

… You you don’t just have overdue bills or debt. You probably also…

  • Argue with your spouse about money. But even if you solve your finances, that will not heal how you relate to your spouse in other life areas.
  • Lack confidence in your ability to get a new job that pays more… and allows you to live your life Aligned with purpose and fulfillment.
  • Lose sleep because of anxious mental loops… so you experience fatigue, sugar cravings, lack of productivity, and spiritual dissatisfaction.

You can see how all your problems are small parts of a much bigger picture.

So instead of healing each small part — let’s heal your entire situation.

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