Ed O’Keefe – Traffic Mastery Live Nashville


Ed O’Keefe – Traffic Mastery Live Nashville

Ed O’Keefe – Traffic Mastery Live Nashville

Ed O’Keefe – Traffic Mastery Live Nashville


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What’s even more exciting is the new APPS and mediums like Snapchat and WhatsAPP that allows you to get access to consumers at younger ages (plus MASSIVE re-targeting potential with cheap CPMs).

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Ed O’Keefe – Traffic Mastery Live Nashville



Dear Friend, 

If you have an E-commerce brand in 2019, and you are looking for the #1 most effective way to acquire profitable customers and grow rapidly with great cash flow… WHILE having a bigger vision of impact, disruption, and/or someday exit in  a great way!

Then I want to invite you, along with just 49 other highly motivated entrepreneurs to Atlanta on May 14th and 15th for the most advanced training on…

  • Media Buying
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Scaling
  • International Expansion (hint: this is going to be super hot topic)
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Lead Gen and Conversion
  • Increasing Average Order Value 
  • Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

Special invite To Learn The Secret Formula For Creating Top-Selling Ecommerce Products In Gigantic Markets From 9 of the World’s Best In An  Intimate Friendly Setting


I’ll give you more specifics on each topic in a minute, but let me tell you why there is a WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY RIGHT NOW… for all of us online in ECommerce.

That if you are killing it… then you need to double down, quadruple down, and think even bigger.

And if you are struggling or have reached the dreaded “sales plateau,” then you should crawl over broken glass in order to ensure that you are in the room with us in Atlanta.

We will equip you with EVERYTHING you need to know about growing rapidly using Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Native Advertising, and even Snapchat… irregardless of what type of Ecommerce you are doing.

Staggering Facts That Reveal The Biggest “Gold Rush of Wealth” Opportunity In Our Lifetime!

Did you know that the E-Commerce industry alone is projected to be a $712 BILLION dollar industry by 2022? 

Mobile Commerce is a 1.8 TRILLION dollar industry expected to double by 2021.

Over half of the sales coming online are multi-touch point meaning multiple-devices, multiple media channels.

For example, a prospect will see an ad while on Instagram on their phone, go online later to see a video demo on Youtube about that same product, then finally search about it on Google before making a decision.

The customer journey is changing… and your secret weapon is being everywhere with the right messages… at profit!

Gobble it ALL up BEFORE your competition even knows this exists! 

Most brands and entrepreneurs are lazy trying to milk profits from one channel, doing one thing… and some are going broke because they are “stuck in their ways.”

As my mentor told me years ago, “The worse number is business is ONE!”

If you are reliant on one channel, one strategy, or one type of customer… then you are “one” away from going “belly up.”

Here’s the gist: 

Strategic, thoughtful, and deliberate diversification of your proven customer acquisition strategy is the secret to creating short-term wins, and massive long-term value for your personal wealth, as well as enterprise value if you choose to exit one day.

International Growth Rate of Ecommerce is mind-blowing with more consumers joining EVERY DAY… with less competition in the market.

Meaning if you run your ads internationally, the cost to acquire a customer is less…AND your advantage is extraordinary.

Think about this: if you have a successful product or brand in the United States and you brought it to where there was less competition and eager buyers… you would CRUSH!

The Truth is: Disrupting a Billion Dollar Industry, Getting Paid A Ridiculous Amount To Exit Your Business, and Doing It While Getting Cash Rich… Has Never Been More Possible Than RIGHT NOW!

Big brands are scared because YOU and I know something that they don’t.

Can WE (me and you) join the wave online brands selling for crazy multiples to these clueless, highly funded private equity funds, VC, or gigantic brands that are seeing profits and market-share get stolen exponentially by small fast growing Ecommerce brands?

Short Answer: YES!

AgFunder Co-Founder Rob Leclerc Agrees:

“Big food companies lost $4-billion in market share last year,” he says. “Those companies are scared. They don’t know how to deal with all of the change.”

BUT what Jesse Itzler has proven in multiple industries through disruption… and what John Belcher knows… and what my “mystery guests” know is… it’s not ALWAYS going to be a “new” thing.

But it IS right now!

There has never been a bigger “if you snooze you’re gonna lose moment…” than RIGHT NOW!

Why Influencers COMBINED With Performance Based Advertising Is Like Your Secret Super-Power 

Influencers have always helped brands grow–going all the back to Ronald Reagan doing ads for Chesterfield Cigarettes.

But, the company NIKE hit the jackpot when Michael Jordan became the face of their brand AND simultaneously the best player that ever lived (no argument I’m from Chicago).

Infomercial company Guthy Renker has sold BILLIONS of Beauty products like Pro-Active, Cindy Crawford’s skin line, Tony Robbins Personal Power, and many more using INFLUENCERS + Media Buying.

However, their model required millions to get started… not anymore!

All you need is Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, a product, an Influencer, and a PROVEN SYSTEM

Just look at these results: 

Peter Wellington’s watch company goes from Zero to $3 Billion in less than 3 years off the backs of Influencers.

Dr. Axe’s Supplement and Protein brand gets funded with $103 Million Dollars.

Just a few years earlier, he started as a blogging chiropractor, then had a team build a phenomenal content platform…THEN partnered with a proven supplement brand.

Dr. Gundry, a lead spokesperson for Golden Hippo, went from a “nobody” to being EVERYWHERE and helping Golden Hippo become a Multi-Hundred Million dollar empire with no signs of slowing down!

Quest Nutrition sold for $400 Million in less than 5 years.

Kellogg just got acquired for $600 million dollars in just a few years.

And since my last event, Yousuper.com was funded with $5,000,000 by a Series A led by PowerPlantVC.

Let’s look outside Health…

Qalo has changed the industry with rubber wedding rings.

DIFF is changing eyewear.

Snow Teeth Whitening is disrupting an 11 Billion Dollar Industry through media buying, celebrity and Influencer Marketing.

Through the power of celebrity and Influencer Marketing, Kim Kardashian’s new beauty line sold 300,000 kits within five minutes, racking up $14.4 million in sales…

So, do you have to sit on the sidelines?

No, and here’s why: There is ENOUGH to go around…

 5 Billion New Consumers Are Coming Online By 2022!

Peter Diamandis called this “the RISING BILLION!”

Around 3 to 5 Billion new consumers are being added online.

I am personally seeing clients and friends taking advantage of this by going international at a much earlier stage in the business… (i.e. almost immediately).

Plus, multi-lingual is becoming a strategic advantage!

And it’s much easier than you’d ever think…

What’s even more exciting is the new APPS and mediums like Snapchat and WhatsAPP that allows you to get access to consumers at younger ages (plus MASSIVE re-targeting potential with cheap CPMs).

Here is a photo of my kids (ages 14 and 12) and my babysitter (15)… all watching Snow Teeth Whitening ads (think about that for a sec).

But what’s crazy, Josh Elizetxe (founder of Snow) shared his most profitable market is STILL Baby Boomers…

…and that’s why Influencer Marketing will be KEY in 2019 (and it’s only going to get more vital)…

Who Is This For? 

Whether you are in health, beauty, fitness, or have an E-commerce brand you’d love to 10X this year, then this is the most important event for you to attend.

I promise these 2 days will transform your mindset for life & cash flow position forever!

You hear stories, watch facebook videos, and read articles about guys spending $10,000, $20,000, or even $100,000 a day PROFITABLY online…

BUT when is the last time you were actually invited to sit down in a small setting with the ACTUAL person(s)… who will take you “behind-the-curtain” and be handed the road map?

  • … without losing your sh*t!
  • Topic #3: Facebook/IG: Preparing To Scale! Whether you are spending $100 – $10,000K a day! The Formula For Testing and Optimizing Your Campaigns! How he turns Influencer content into SUPER Highly Profitable Ads and Scales Them… Plus So Much More!
  • Topic #4: The Greatest Health, Beauty, and Ecommerce Funnel Ever Created!​Five proven 7 and 8-figure funnels that are killing it in multiple channels! Their secret? Good conversion rate with HIGH Average Order Value!
  • Topic #5: $20,000K a day On Snapchat, Google Display Network, or Native? YEP! How to grow your brand rapidly and profitably using multiple channels!
  • Topic #6: Total Business Optimization! We’ll walk through a 360% model of what you need to be thinking about and how to take advantage of each leverage point in your business!
  • Topic #7 Preparing To Sell For Maximum Dollars! Josh sold his first company at the age of 23 for multiple 8-figures. He created an environment where he had businesses competing to acquire his business allowing him to exit by being paid TOP DOLLAR. (Josh Elizetxe)
  • PLUS much more topics I’ll add after surveying the attendees (YOU). The format is gonna be awesome.

Below is Proof content:

Screen Recording 2020-11-23 at AM


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