David Gibson – The Complete Guide to Sound Healing (Interactive Version)

David Gibson – The Complete Guide to Sound Healing (Interactive Version)

David Gibson - The Complete Guide to Sound Healing (Interactive Version)

David Gibson – The Complete Guide to Sound Healing (Interactive Version)


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Because everything is vibrating at a certain frequency, we also explore a person’s Soul from a frequency perspective. We explain a technique for finding this frequency and resonating a more direct connection.


David Gibson – The Complete Guide to Sound Healing (Interactive Version)

David Gibson - The Complete Guide to Sound Healing (Interactive Version)

There is no other book like this on the planet. There are many books that cover specific aspects of Sound Healing and many do it quite well. This book covers the full range of how sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually. It also explains how sound works based on specific laws of physics. Sound Healing will not gain the widespread acceptance needed to get it into the mainstream (hospitals and homes) until we have a clear and concise understanding of how it really works.

However, there are some ancient techniques that are incredibly powerful and we don’t yet understand the mechanism of how they work (Spirit has not given us the full manual yet). Yet, we see miracles happen all the time. Therefore, we include the full range of sound healing techniques – esoteric to scientific.

The book gives specific techniques on how each of the vibrational tools work on the human system. These include voice, crystal and Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, tingshas, didgeridoos, gongs, chimes, shakers, rattles, drums, tone generators, nature sounds, light, color and sacred geometry. We provide detailed step-by-step procedures for performing a sound healing session with the voice and the full range of sound healing instruments.

We go into detail on how to use sound for physical issues, including pain, illnesses and disease. We cover specific sound techniques for releasing stuck emotions and negative beliefs. We explain how to entrain the brain into the different brainwave states of Delta (for sleep), Theta (for creativity and as a portal to Oneness), Alpha (for presence and mental clarity), Beta (for ADD/ADHD), and Gamma (for higher states of consciousness).

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We then explain how to use sound for Spiritual enhancement, to access expanded states of awareness. We share techniques for using sound to obtain perfect presence and stillness. We cover the full range of techniques on how to use sound to resonate more gratitude, compassion, love and joy in your life. We provide a full range of ways to use sound to open the heart. We look at the frequencies and sounds of the chakras and auras and explain some powerful techniques for resonating more harmony.

Because everything is vibrating at a certain frequency, we also explore a person’s Soul from a frequency perspective. We explain a technique for finding this frequency and resonating a more direct connection. Ultimately, we explain how to use sound to access the ultimate state – a connection to Source where you are one with everything in the Universe. In such expanded states often physical, mental and emotional healing happen on their own.

This book is not just a guide to Sound Healing, it is a guide on how to raise your vibration and hold it there more consistently so that you can be less affected by any negative vibrations in or around you. And, most importantly, so you can transmit more positive vibrations into the world – Ultimately, creating such a strong resonant field on the planet that the rest of the planet is entrained into these same higher vibrations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION – Peace on the Inside, Flowing on the Outside

SECTION I – Healing and Transformation frameworks and ParadigmsIntroduction – Allopathic vs. Health Models

Chapter 1 – Four Levels of How Sound Affects Us Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and SpirituallyAnother way of looking at it – Physical Body, Chakras, Aurasp

Chapter 2 – One Resonant Frequency vs. A Full Range of Frequencies

Chapter 3 – Our Need to Come Home to the Home Note

Chapter 4 – Consistency as Higher Consciousness

Chapter 5 – Our Need for Harmony

SECTION II – Everything is Vibration – The Hierarchy of Sound, Music and Energy

Introduction – Five levels of vibration

Chapter 6 – Pure Frequencies

• Pure Tones

• Concert Pitch

• Tuning Systems

Chapter 7 – Timbres (Tones or Harmonic Structures)

Chapter 8 – The Beauty and Power of Noise

Chapter 9 – Musical Intervals and Chords

Chapter 10 – Music

• Rhythm

• The Quality of “Flow” in the Music

Chapter 11 – Energy

• Intention

• Consciousness of the Composer and Musicians

Chapter 12 – The Hierarchy of Sound, Music and Energy in Living Systems

Chapter 13 – Volume or Amplitude

SECTION III – Frequencies In and Around Us

Chapter 14 – Music Perception versus Direct Physical Effects

Chapter 15 – So Called Positive and Negative Sounds

Chapter 16 – Frequencies Around Us – Your Sound Environment

Chapter 17 – Frequencies Inside Us – The “Gene OM” of the Human System

Chapter18 – The Hierarchy of Frequencies in the Human System

SECTION IV – How it All Works

Chapter 19 – The Laws of Resonance and Entrainment – The Keys to Creating Change

Chapter 20 – Using the Laws of Resonance to Deal with “Good” and “Bad” Frequencies (So to Speak)SECTION V – Your Sound Healing Toolbox

Some common sound healing tools and how to use them

Chapter 21 – The Voice

• Toning

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• Chant and Mantra

Chapter 22 – Other Sounds and InstrumentsSECTION VI – Doing Sound Healing Sessions

Chapter 23 – Safety and Ethics

Chapter 24 – Performing a Sound Healing SessionSECTION VII – Physical Healing with SoundIntroduction – Physical Vibrations changing Physical Matter

Chapter 25 – Buzz in the Body Syndrome (BIBS)

Chapter 26 – Stress Relief, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Fibromyalgia, and other Stress Related Issues.

Chapter 27 – Healing Organs, Body Parts and Body Systems

Chapter 28 – Sound on Disease

Chapter 29 – Releasing and Overcoming Pain

Chapter 30 – Using Sound to Create Nutrients

SECTION VIII – Emotional Healing and Expansion with Sound

Introduction – Eradicating 50% of the Cause of All Diseases

Chapter 31 – The Sound of Emotions

Chapter 32 – Eight Techniques for Releasing Stuck Emotions and Deep Emotional Issues

Chapter 33 – Transforming Negative Beliefs

SECTION IX – Mental Expansion with Sound

Introduction – Brainwaves and Brainwave Entrainment

Chapter 34 – Delta State – Sleep Enhancement and Direct Connection to Source

Chapter 35 – Theta State – Enhanced Creativity and a Portal to Oneness in the Universe

Chapter 36 – Alpha State – Help with ADD, ADHD, Mental Clarity and Memory

Chapter 37 – Other Higher and Lower States – Gamma and Deep Delta

Chapter 38 – Using Brainwave Entrainment to Access Higher States of Consciousness

Chapter 39 – The Schumann Resonance and Nature’s Entrainers

Chapter 40 – Sound Therapy for Learning Disabilities

SECTION X – Spiritual Enhancement with SoundUsing sound to open your heart and raise your vibration and consciousness

Introduction – Clearing out Negative Vibrations vs. Resonating Positive Vibrations

Chapter 41 – Using Sound to Get to Presence and Mindfulness

Chapter 42 – Harmonizing Chakras with Sound

Chapter 43 – Harmonizing Auras with Sound

Chapter 44 – Resonating Higher Emotions with Sound (Gratitude, Compassion, Joy, Love, etc.)

Chapter 45 – The Sound of Love – How to Open Your Heart with Sound

• Using Sound to Resonate Self Love

• Using Sound to Resonate More Love in Relationships

• Using Sound to Resonate and Transmit Universal and Unconditional Love

Chapter 46 – Connecting to the Soul with Sound

Chapter 47 – Connecting to Spirit and Source with SoundSECTION XI – Synthesis, Holograms and Daily Life

Chapter 48 – The Ultimate Three-Step Healing Process

A powerful process for raising a person’s vibration, going deep and releasing

Chapter 49 – Using Sound to Deal with Challenges and ConflictsTen ways to handle challenges and conflicts in Relationships, Health & Wealth

Chapter 50 – Living with Sound – Using Sound in Your Life Daily

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