Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend


Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend

Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend

Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend


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However, THE LAST THING you want is to be like every other schmuck out there chasing them, like a dog chasing a fire truck.
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Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend

Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend

Think about it. When you hit on a girl, doesnt it seem like she uses the excuse I have a boyfriend more often these days?

Now you understand the reason why.

Get Brent Smith – Your Perfect Girlfriend download

Girls want boyfriends these days, thats all there is to it.

However, THE LAST THING you want is to be like every other schmuck out there chasing them, like a dog chasing a fire truck.

Theres a better way.

A way that requires less work, less time and creates a far better emotional, physical and sexual relationship with her.

Once you go through the course, you discover you dont have to be the one investing all the effort. You dont have to be the one to pursue (unless you want to).

My Perfect Girlfriend course is designed for you have the exact type of girlfriend you want.

Go ahead and get yours now

While pickup is caught in the jaws of a crocodile death roll, you have created a true breakthrough for guys.

Brent Smith was originally one of the inspirations for David DeAngelos dating system and his eBook. Brent also appeared later in David DeAngelos seminars and interview series as Brent.

This gave him the credibility and the recognition to build his own coaching business which he started in 2006.

In it, youll discover:

  • The three things women want and love in a boyfriend

  • How to size up a potential girlfriend

  • How to make every date or hookup feel like the first time you just met

  • Your new vocabularyand how it ratchets up desire for you

  • The subtle art of under-communication that makes a woman chase you

  • Before you consider a serious girlfriend candidate, she will, of course, have to prove herself in the bedroom. Heres how you do it, step-by-step

  • How to become the boyfriend you want to be, not the boyfriend SHE wants you to be

  • How to create conversation thats subtle yet so sexy

  • How to deal with the jealousy of other women

  • The strategy to allow them to contact you in the future (you never ever call them)

  • How to ratchet up intimacy in and out of the bedroom

  • Best ways to respond to her personal questions about you

  • The step-by-step, always be the one in control and allow them to be the one pursuing you and trying to win you over

  • How to get the hottest women to apply to be your girlfriend

  • How to create that I feel like Ive known you for years effect that makes with any woman you want to meet feel safe with you

  • A simple twist on how to frame all your approach conversations so you are viewed as boyfriend material

  • The best social platform for communicating

  • How to avoid being relegated to the friendzone

  • Strategies for interviewing girls on dating sites, apps & social media

  • The key to avoiding pointless arguments, an empty bed, and having to work at making a girlfriend happy

  • Understand your girlfriends innermost desires (without a Dr. Phil decoder ring.)

  • How to position yourself as the one shes looking for

  • How to text her to amplify her horniness for you

  • How to get her to miss you when youre not around

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