Anxiety Super Conference

Anxiety Super Conference

Anxiety Super Conference

Anxiety Super Conference


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(This course is available and delivery within one day!)Why genetics and epigenetics are so important in understanding anxiety Format File: 68 MP3, 68 MP4, 70 VTT 1 PNG, 1 TXT, 1 META


Anxiety Super Conference

Anxiety Super Conference

Conference Day 1

Britt Frank

How to get unstuck

  • Why anxiety is not an emotion but a physical signal
  • Why coping skills won’t work with a dysregulated nervous system
  • What grief has to do with becoming an emotional adult
Claire Bidwell Smith

Anxiety as a stage of grief

Expert’s Website

  • Why anxiety is not always a negative emotion
  • What we’ve misunderstood about the stages of grief
  • How to calm your nervous system and begin to work with your anxiety
Dr Ron Siegel

Mindfulness and the evolution of anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • Why evolution doesn’t work in favor of happiness
  • How mindfulness helps us work with anxiety not against it
  • What the relationship is between self-esteem and anxiety
Dr Diane Poole Heller

Discover your attachment style to calm your nervous system

Expert’s Website

  • The 4 attachment styles
  • How to create a secure attachment
  • Practical steps for creating deeper connection in your relationships
Dr Elena Villanueva

Balance your brain chemistry

Expert’s Website

  • How to spot brain chemistry imbalances
  • The role of genetic testing
  • Understanding a leaky brain
Melissa Douglass

Recognizing and managing anxiety and transitions

Expert’s Website

  • Understanding what anxiety is and normalizing it
  • Symptoms of anxiety and when it shows up
  • Practical coping skills for anxiety and panic attacks
Irene Lyon

Understanding anxiety as stored survival stress

Expert’s Website

  • Biological anxiety vs mental anxiety
  • How survival stress is created
  • How to bring balance to your nervous system
Vince Draddy

Understanding anxiety with the Diamond Approach

Expert’s Website

  • How disconnection from our deepest nature causes anxiety
  • The importance of connecting to our body and immediate experience
  • How to inquire into anxiety to discover the treasures beneath

Conference Day 2

Dr Darryl Tonemah

Seeking peace

  • How to seek peace rather than avoiding symptoms
  • Why it is important to practice coping skills before crisis
  • How to create and collect sovereign moments
Dr Reid Wilson

Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Expert’s Website

  • What genetics have to do with anxiety and OCD
  • How to differentiate between a “signal” and a “noise”
  • Why discomfort and our need for control are at the core of OCD
Amber Benziger

Journaling as a tool for anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • Undoing mental health stigma
  • How to choose the right coping strategy for you
  • How to use journaling for your anxiety
Dr Cathy Malchiodi

Sensory-based approach to anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • Why sensory-based methods are effective self-help approaches
  • The three basic practices anyone can begin to reduce anxiety today
  • How to cultivate co-regulation experiences
Charlie Morley

How to transform your sleep

Expert’s Website

  • Why sleep hygiene techniques are not enough
  • The importance of learning to regulate our nervous system
  • Simple practices to support better sleep
Dr Arielle Schwartz

Anxiety and coming home to the body

Expert’s Website

  • The power of therapeutic yoga
  • The impact of vagus nerve stimulation
  • Why working with the breath is so important
Dr Sophia Graham

Managing anxiety with DBT

Expert’s Website

  • Anxiety as bio-psycho-social
  • The different ways anxiety can manifest
  • Using DBT skills to manage anxiety
Jamie Catto

Transform your shadows

Expert’s Website

  • What shadows are and why we reject parts of ourselves
  • The importance of humour and gentleness in healing
  • How to recruit our rejected parts to become our greatest champions
Marisa Peer

The power of embracing uncertainty

Expert’s Website

  • How clinging to certainty keeps us stuck
  • The impact of the stories we tell ourselves
  • How to create a new identity for ourselves and our lives
Mark Coleman

Meditating in nature to calm the mind

Expert’s Website

  • Why being in nature helps with anxiety
  • Finding nature wherever you are
  • Nature meditation exercises to calm the mind
Nick Ortner

EFT tapping for anxiety relief

Expert’s Website

  • The power of tapping for healing
  • How working with our body’s energy impacts our emotional and mental health
  • Simple tapping routines for transforming your anxiety now
Dr Peter Levine

Self-regulating for trauma healing

Expert’s Website

  • Why co-regulation and self-regulation are both important
  • Practical exercises for self-regulation
  • Why trusting the wisdom of our body is so important

Conference Day 3

Dr David Hanscom

The relationship between anxiety and pain

Expert’s Website

  • How physiology determines psychology
  • Why anxiety is related to survival
  • How to treat and recover from anxiety symptoms
Kimberley Quinlan

Self-compassion and roadblocks to recovery

Expert’s Website

  • Why self-compassion is the key to anxiety recovery
  • Why diagnosis is an important part of developing anxiety support systems
  • How to identify and manage the roadblocks to recovery
Aki Omori

The wisdom of the body

Expert’s Website

  • Learning to focus on feelings and sensations rather than thoughts
  • How to find calm in your body when your mind is anxious
  • How to hold space for someone anxious without trying to “fix” them
Dom Liber

Inner inquiry as a tool for working with anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • What inquiry is and how it works
  • How anxiety can be used as a portal
  • The power of changing our relationship with anxiety
Dr Aimie Apigian

How to heal the biology of anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How childhood experiences set up our biology
  • The importance of healing on multiple levels
  • Simple principles to start with healing now
Dr Pedram Shojai

QiGong and the power of energy healing

Expert’s Website

  • The fundamentals of energy medicine
  • Why QiGong is much more than just movement
  • A simple practice for releasing trapped energy
Dr Sue Morter

Integration using The Energy Codes

Expert’s Website

  • How to reintegrate our mind body spirit energy
  • Why the body offers solutions our mind cannot
  • How to apply The Energy codes for well-being
Michael Stone

Harness anxiety energy and the power of breath

Expert’s Website

  • The power of anxiety for positivity
  • Why working with the breath is at the heart of healing
  • Guided exercise for working with your breath
Mimi Kuo-Deemer

QiGong to ground and heal

Expert’s Website

  • Understanding Qi Gong and internal martial arts
  • How these practices can ease anxiety in the longterm
  • Practical exercises for managing anxiety flair ups and panic attacks
Mark Walsh

Coming home to our body for anxiety healing

Expert’s Website

  • Why our body is so important for calming anxiety
  • Simple practices to support embodiment
  • How to get started with an embodiment practice
Anthony Abbagnano

Introduction to breathwork for anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • What anxiety is in the body
  • The power of working with the breath
  • Simple exercise for calming anxiety responses

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Conference Day 4

Dr Ameet Aggarwal

Homeopathy, gut health and liver detox

Expert’s Website

  • What are the main body systems at the root of anxiety
  • How digestive health, inflammation and family trauma factor in
  • Why homeopathic treatments work to heal anxiety
Dr Maya Shetreat

Brain science, gut health and psychedelics

Expert’s Website

  • How the brain, gut and nervous system are connected
  • Psychedelic assisted therapy as a healing modality for anxiety
  • How rituals facilitate transformative experiences
Evan Brand

Functional medicine approach to anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How our environment impacts our anxiety level
  • Why stress has an impact on our anxiety through digestion
  • How to test for autoimmune and gut issues related to anxiety
Dr David Perlmutter

How your gut bacteria affects your anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • The relationship between the microbiome and anxiety
  • How inflammation leads to poor decision making
  • The critical role of optimum nutrition for healing
Dr Kara Fitzgerald

Changing gene expression to calm anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • Why genetics and epigenetics are so important in understanding anxiety
  • The principle of biological embedding
  • Basic lifestyle changes that can change your biological age in just 8 weeks
Dr Trevor Cates

Hormones, skin health and anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How hormonal imbalances are tied to anxiety
  • How is our skin connected to anxiety
  • How to address anxiety for better sleep, skin and hormones
Trudy Scott

Nutritional support for intrusive thoughts

Expert’s Website

  • How to identify intrusive thoughts
  • The importance of addressing low GABA and low serotonin
  • How to identify and work with pyroluria and hormones imbalances

Conference Day 5

Adelene Cheong

Learn to rest and relax with restorative yoga

Expert’s Website

  • Learning to focus on feelings and sensations rather than thoughts
  • How to find calm in your body when your mind is anxious
  • How to hold space for someone anxious without trying to “fix” them
Dr Ruth White

Stress management and emotional resilience

Expert’s Website

  • How stress relates to anxiety and many psychological disorders
  • Why anxiety can be useful to our performance when discharged
  • How stress impacts our brains and bodies
Melanie Tonia Evans

Narcissistic abuse recovery

Expert’s Website

  • Why anxiety is a common result of toxic relationships
  • How to move out of anxiety and panic to feel safety
  • How to thrive using self-partnering techniques
Rebekah Ballagh

Naming and taming worry and anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • Why our brains use anxiety to gain comfort certainty or control
  • How to name your worry part to manage stress and anxiety
  • Why avoiding anxiety inducing situations will not help
Dr Fleet Maull

Neuro-somatic mindfulness for healing anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How anxiety is a body experience, not just in our mind
  • The importance of building a gentle approach to our healing
  • How anxiety can be a gateway for inner transformation
Jason Prall

Using Ayurveda for understanding anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • The 3 Ayurveda types
  • How anxiety can be a gift
  • How to identify what you need when experiencing anxiety
Hale Dwoskin

The Sedona Method for letting go of anxiety

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Expert’s Website

  • How we can learn to let go of emotions
  • Guided practice of fundamentals of The Sedona Method
  • How to connect to our true nature

Conference Day 6

Caroline Hickman

Understanding and coping with climate anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • The impact of climate change on mental health
  • How to manage eco-anxiety and distress
  • Practical tips for coping during this climate crisis
Jaia Bristow

Anxiety and equality activism

  • Why anxiety is a common response to privilege awareness
  • How to overcome privilege paralysis in social justice work
  • Moving from guilt to gratitude and defensiveness to curiosity
Martin Aylward

Exploring existential anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • What existential anxiety is
  • How to support a teenager or loved one asking life’s big questions
  • How to meet and be with the questions as they arise without dismissing or needing to answer them
Morra Aarons-Mele

Leadership and achievement anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How our anxiety shows up at work
  • The unique challenges of leadership anxiety
  • Tips for managing anxiety from hybrid work, online meetings, and overwhelming world events
Roxy Manning

Anxiety about speaking up

Expert’s Website

  • Understanding the anxiety around talking about race
  • How anxiety about judgments impacts our capacity to be antiracist
  • How anxiety about causing harm gets in the way of being antiracist
Terry Real

Working with anxiety in relationships

Expert’s Website

  • How anxiety is a state not a feeling
  • The ways anxiety shows up in relationship
  • Practical tools for creating deeper connection and intimacy
Lauren Lofton

Identity and anxiety in the workplace

Expert’s Website

  • Managing anxiety in the workplace around identity and belonging
  • Navigating disability in the workplace
  • How making accomodations increases wellbeing and productivity
Dr Patrice Douglas

Anxiety and racial trauma

Expert’s Website

  • How to navigate divisive topics with loved ones, co-workers and strangers
  • How to advocate for oneself or another without entering into conflict
  • Understanding how, why and when to speak up
Ross Szabo

Teaching kids about anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How anxiety is different from worry, stress and nerves
  • How to approach mental health education depending on age
  • How mental health impacts a child’s ability to learn and grow

Conference Day 7

Dr David Treleaven

Trauma sensitive mindfulness

Expert’s Website

  • Why mindfulness can be challenging for those with trauma / suffering from anxiety
  • The benefits of mindfulness for working with trauma and anxiety
  • How to adapt your meditation practice to be trauma sensitive
Kelly McDaniel

Healing “Mother Hunger”

Expert’s Website

  • What “mother hunger” is and how it relates to anxiety
  • How nurturance plays a vital role in attachment
  • Why pathological hope fuels anxiety
Dr Rochelle Calvert

Nature for healing trauma and anxiety

Expert’s Website

  • How Nature helps heal trauma
  • The connection between trauma and anxiety
  • Somatic practices in Nature

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