Angel Tuccy – CONNECT Summit


Angel Tuccy – CONNECT Summit

Angel Tuccy - CONNECT Summit

Angel Tuccy – CONNECT Summit


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You’ll meet other rock stars growing their brand, product or book, you’ll get energized and reminded of the
powerful impact you have on this world! Fun, Exciting, Engaging. The most fun you’ll have at a virtual summit.


Angel Tuccy – CONNECT Summit

Angel Tuccy - CONNECT Summit


Bringing People Together, Connecting With Clients & Sharing Your Message
Would you like to grow your business, brand or product from home?
We have brought together a full line-up of guests, experts and speakers to bring you
a virtual summit you can enjoy from your own home or office.

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Topics Include
Connecting with Technology
Connecting with Ideal Clients
Connecting with Your Body & Soul
Connecting with Your Vision
Connecting with Media
In this energizing summit you’re going to create:
How to position yourself to attract media
How to create clarity with your message & sharing your story to make your big impact
How to build your network using automation and technology
How to create the mindset of a champion
How attract more leads and close more sales
How to build and grow your customer and media database everyday
How to build a profitable and scalable business
This is a LIVE Summit hosted by Media Exposure Specialist, Angel Tuccy and Gratitude Specialist, Tina Torres.

You’ll meet other rock stars growing their brand, product or book, you’ll get energized and reminded of the
powerful impact you have on this world! Fun, Exciting, Engaging. The most fun you’ll have at a virtual summit.
Tina Torres – Host & Keynote, The Power of Gratitude
Angel Tuccy- Host & Keynote, Using Media to Create Exposure
Sharon Lechter – Keynote, Playing Big
Ely Delaney – Keynote, How to Meet Cool People & Turn Casual Connections into Cash Flow
Lori Tisnai -Keynote, Using Technology to Stay Connected
Carey Conley – Keynote, Your Vision Through The Storm
Les Brown – Keynote, You Gotta Be Hungry
Zondra Evans, Keynote, Investing In Yourself
Dawn Moore – Keynote, The Predictive Method
Melanie McSally – Keynote, The Power of Automation
DeAnn Chase – Keynote, Legally Savvy Business
Gini Trask – Keynote, Innovative Ways to Stay Connected
Bill Walsh – Keynote, Millionaire Mindset
Joe Kenemore – Keynote, Mailbox Marketing
Jeff Levine – Sponsor
Steve Schulz – Elevating Your Presence
Vanessa Hunter – Inspiring Hope
Dawn Bates – Disrupting the Status Quo
Taylor Thompson – Collaboration versus Competition
Tracy St. Croi – Intuitive Business Solutions
Michelle Jewsbury – Overcoming Obstacles
Dr. Wendy Labat – Taking Control of Your Finances
Jeri Morgan – Video & Social Media Hacks to Grow Your Business
Lauren Turton – Innovative Ways to Stay Connected
Doc Peace – Innovative Ways to Stay Connected
Melanie Herschorn – How to Be More Visible Online
Tracy Boone – Innovative Ways to Stay Connected

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Rhodi Cate – How to Stay Focused When All Hell is Breaking Loose
Sharon N Pohl – Living a Zestful Life
Jolene Rheault – Innovative Ways to Stay Connected
Michelle Faust – The Power of Sharing Your Story
Christine McKay – How to Negotiate The Best Deals
Meridith Alexander – Thriving in Adversity
Martha Lazo Munoz – Innovative Ways to Stay Connected
Conni Ponturo – The Art of Self Care
Daniella Platt – Innovative Ways to Stay Connected
Susie Carder – The Power of Profits
Mark Jackson – Understanding Your Credit Score
Linda Waterhouse – LinkedIn Strategy
Sam Adams – Comedian
Tasha Danvers – Mindset of a Champion
Cliff Gager – Your Entrepreneur Toolbox
Jake Jacobsen – Residual Revenue
Daniel Meyer – Cloning Your Time with Virtual Assistants
Tracy St. Croi – Trusting Your Intuition
Patricia Jo Grover – Thinking Outside the Box
Daniel Bissonnette – Living Your Healthiest Life
Kim Mennella – Engineering Your Success
Austin Walsh – Internet Mastery 101
Sal Harper – Beyond Infidelity
Albert Corey – Entrepreneurial Success
Monica Henderson – Vision for Change
Roosevelt Morris – Funding Your Business
Dr. Marina Bruni – Your Energetic Morning Blueprint
Andrew Kap – Over 1,000 Amazon Reviews
Stevie Dawn Carter – Mindset Reset

This is your opportunity to change the trajectory of your brand, your business and your life.
Plus, as a Bonus for registering, you’ll receive a Complimentary Gift from EVERY Speaker! Value Over $20,000

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