Ace Reddy – Elite E-commerce Mastermind


Ace Reddy – Elite E-commerce Mastermind

Ace Reddy – Elite E-commerce Mastermind

Ace Reddy – Elite E-commerce Mastermind


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Module 1 – Introduction to E-commerce.

  • This module will be all about how the industry works, what works and what doesn’t, introduction to print on demand, etc.
  • This is the Beginners and should show any beginner

Sample Content




Ace Reddy – Elite E-commerce Mastermind


You see….when I started sharing what I knew about selling T-shirts online through Fb and Influencer ads and building a Successful E-commerce Business!

Lots of people started messaging me and E-mailing me asking if I had any “Special” Coaching programs…

They all told me about how they spent $1000’s of dollars on “Guru” courses that never delivered value.

They wanted me to create a program and teach them the exact process to build a $100k/m Online E-commerce Business!

So I decided to Partner Up with my buddy who made a million dollars just in the first quarter of 2018 and start a Mastermind teaching people the Exact Secrets that my team and I used to build Multiple Six Figure E-commerce Stores!

And…we decided to help 20 more people build a full time business online!

Here’s What You Get Access To When You Join The

 Elite E-commerce Mastermind Today…

  •  Access to our Elite E-commerce Mastermind Members Area and Facebook Groups and Chat Groups!
  • Access to our Elite E-commerce Mastermind 8 Week Masterclass Bootcamp.
  • Weekly Q/A.
  •  Access to our “30 Days to $10k” E-com Challenge!
  •  The Biggest Discount on our Elite E-commerce Services!
  •  3 Coaching Calls To Help You Implement What We Teach You!


Here’s What You’ll Learn 

  •  Our 8 Week Mastermind will show you exactly how to build a Successful E-commerce Print On Demand Store From Scratch – we’ll show you everything from how to build a store to how to choose a great niche to how to run ads that convert!
  •    “30 Days to $10k” E-com Challenge – We’ll show what we would do if we had to build a brand new store and take it from $0 – $10,000/m in PROFIT spending less than 30 mins per day on the store.
  •   Our Weekly Q/A’s will help you Implement every strategy we teach! – You can ask us questions live or even ask us to review your store and we’ll happy to do so.
  •  The 3 Private 1-1 Coaching Calls with us personally will help you Implement everything you learned! – We’ll help you with Fixing your store, optimising your ads, scaling up your business to $100k/m in the next 90 days, etc.

Here’s What You’ll Learn In The 8 Core Mastermind Modules!

Module 1 – Introduction to E-commerce.

  • This module will be all about how the industry works, what works and what doesn’t, introduction to print on demand, etc.
  • This is the Beginners and should show any beginner

 Module 2 – Store Creation.

This module be all about how to build a great E-com store.

In this module we’ll walk you through 

  • How to Pick a Solid Niche!
  • How to build a site that looks and converts great for as less as $100! 
  • How to build the perfect home page. 
  • How to build the perfect product pages. 
  • The “Isolation Effect” you can use to Create the C.T.A. button that converts the best!

 Module 3 – The System.

In this module I’ll walk you through

  • The Grand Strategy to make $100k in the next 90 days!
  • What upselling systems work the best for us. 
  • How to setup the Systems we show you.
  • How to double, triple or even quadruple your AOV. 
  • How to use conditional shipping to increase AOV. 

 Module 4 – Choosing Designs and Products To Promote!

  • Websites you can use to find Inspiration. 
  • How to pull great design ideas out of thin air!
  • Choosing Dropshipping Products to promote!
  • The Simple Strategy to find great products to promote.
  • How to Find great designers!

 Module 5 – The Free Traffic Blueprint.

If you don’t have a great budget to get started, this module should help you generate traffic and sales for free!

I’ll bring in a guest expert to teach this since I don’t do it myself.

  • The Instagram Traffic Method!
  • The Pinterest Traffic Method. 
  • Blogging and Video Marketing.

 Module 6 – The Facebook Blueprint.

  • How to Crack the Facebook Algorithm Code and leverage it to get customers!
  • How to force Facebook to feed you customers!
  • The Step By Step Guide on how to make money with Facebook ads!

 Module 7 – The Testing Phase.

  • How to create test campaigns fast!
  • How to “Test” your Products and find out if they could convert or not. 
  • The Exact Guide to getting started with test campaigns. 
  • The “Right” and “Wrong” ways of testing campaigns. 
  • Live walkthrough of us setting test campaigns up!

 Module 8 – The Optimisation and Scaling Phase.

  • The Exact methods of optimisation we use to to increase ROAS on our campaigns. 
  • How to turn some “losers” into “winners”. 
  • Learn when to “kill” a campaign and when to proceed to “scale” them. 
  • Low Cost and Aggressive Rapid Scaling Method (my secret method you can use to scale winners)
  • The Horizontal Scaling Method. 
  • Live walkthrough of us Optimising and scaling campaigns.

Bonus – A Special rulebook that I use to train my own team – this gives you all the KPI’s so you know when to cut a campaign and when to scale it.


  •  Past Archives of some of the BEST Training! – I’ve included modules from some of my previous Masterminds and courses. You’ll learn how to master things like Advertising, Copywriting, Affiliate Marketing, etc. as a bonus!
  •  10 Done For You Designs! – When you join our Mastermind, I’ll have my personal Designer create 10 unique designs for you! Based on the Niche you choose, etc.
  •  30 Day FREE ACCESS To My Advertising Agency – My Ad Agency will run the traffic, etc. for you once you build up a solid store for 30 days!
  •  Crazy Discounts on our Design, Social Media Marketing, Store Creation, etc. services 
  •  Bi -annual Membership of the Elite E-com Academy! – You get 6 months complimentary access to the Elite E-commerce Academy!

Below is Proof content:

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