Arathi Ma – Business &ampCareer Orientation & Success Target Call-Arathi Ma – Business &amp


Arathi Ma – Business &ampCareer Orientation & Success Target Call-Arathi Ma – Business &amp

Arathi Ma – Business & Career Orientation & Success Target Call

Arathi Ma – Business &ampCareer Orientation & Success Target Call-Arathi Ma – Business &amp


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Each session is 10-15 min and focusses directly and ONLY into the core imbalance that shows up during the session. Arathi Ma works directly with the link between your body and spirit and removes the most current blockage.


Arathi Ma - Business &ampCareer Orientation & Success Target Call-Arathi Ma - Business &amp

Arathi Ma – Business & Career Orientation & Success Target Call

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Arathi Ma – Business &ampCareer Orientation & Success Target Call-Arathi Ma – Business &amp Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

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In-Person Phone/Conference Call Sessions

1 First Session

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30 min Session via web (+MP3 of your session), phone, or skype Healing session

1 Session

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15 min Session via web (+MP3 of your session), phone, or skype Healing session

1 Follow Up Session

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30 min Session via web (+MP3 of your session), phone, or skype Healing session

3 Sessions Package

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3 Healing Sessions – 25 min each

Commitment to working more deeply on a specific issue or several issues. To be completed within a period of 6 months.
Via conference phone call, weblink. Recorded. Or Skype.

5 Health Balancing Sessions – 10-15 min each

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Each session is 10-15 min and focusses directly and ONLY into the core imbalance that shows up during the session. Arathi Ma works directly with the link between your body and spirit and removes the most current blockage. This is a very result-oriented process for difficult and long-term issues that did not change after a normal 30 min session.Removing all blockages results in the disappearance of your symptom/s. Sessions are scheduled weekly: 5 Sessions in 5 weeks.

Individual Healing MP3

SILENT General Universal Clearing Process

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1 SILENT MP3 1 PDF Instruction Sheet ~ Running Time: 7:34min

General Application~use for any issue.

non-refundable item:For further questions on this item, please, contact [email protected]~1-2 business days reply

Herpes Virus & Epstein Barr Virus Total-Clear

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1 SILENT MP3 & 1 PDF Instruction Sheet ~ Running Time: 12:38 min

Addresses all Herpes Viruses & Epstein Barr Virus

Contains: Multi-Dimensional Corrections within all the body’s pathways to reset yourhealing/restoration capacities (Glandular, Elimination, Nerves, Digestion, Muscular System, Heart & Circulation)

with Primordial Light & Source Frequencies, L-Lysine and Alpha-Lipoic Acid frequencies for nerve protection and repair

non-refundable item:For further questions on this item, please, contact [email protected]~1-2 business days reply

Engaging the Heart & Body for Self-Healing

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1MP3 Running Time: 9:16 min

Learn a simple process of engaging the heart and body for self-healing. The MP3 includes and overall body process, digestion process, and a liver process.

non-refundable item For further questions on this item, please, contact ​[email protected] business days reply

Eye Healing

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MP3 Contains:

  • improving physiology
  • improving anatomy
  • cataract
  • macular degeneration
  • pressure
  • inflammation
  • etc.

non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply

Fundamental Health Reset

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Fundamental Health Reset

  1. ​Open emunctories toxin release​
  2. Bacteria reset
  3. Hypthalamus-adrenal axis reset
  4. DNA reset for health
  5. Nerve Ganglia reset
  6. Solar Panel reset

Running Time: 7:42 min

non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply

Trauma Healing with 5D Frequencies

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MP3 Running Time: 9:03 min

Healing to promote better sleep, release stress, and trauma.Helps to deepen you into your own core state.

Includes letting go of past lives, events, words, feelings, stories, imprints, that were never integrated into your core.

non-refundable item For further questions on this item, please, contact [email protected], 1-2 business days reply

Yeast/Candida Cleanse with 5D Frequencies

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Yeast/Candida Cleanse with 5D Frequencies
(same as in 360 5D Health Package)
Running Time: 13:11 min

non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply

SILENT Rejuvenation Elixir with 5D (Ojas)

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​Rejuvenation Elixir with 5D Frequencies (Ojas)
Rebuilds vital energy, repairs all body tissues, brings contentment & peace

  • Ojas (Vital Essence) Vibration
  • Kidney Soul Mantra
  • Essence of Herb ashwaganda
  • Secret unlocked mantra chant for abundance
  • Pearl essence
  • Lunar essence as a physical energy substance
  • Winter solstice vibration
  • 5D Frequencies
non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply

Recorded Target Calls
​Length 60min

Female Life Cycles: ​Menopause — Good Health & Inner Peace and Joy

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Recorded: length~1hr 21min

  • Life Cycle Issues: birth, menarche, motherhood, menopause, 2nd Saturn return, old age, death
  • Overall Vata disorders
  • sleep
  • hormonal changes
  • vitality
  • dry skin, hair loss
  • sexuality
  • brain and nervous system
  • creativity
  • new roles
  • etc.

​non-refundable item,For further questions on this item, please, contact [email protected], 1-2 business days reply

Target Call Eradicating Fear Female root fears Authority issues Procrastination Life & Death Self Worth Survival, and more….

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Eradicating Fear

60 min call ​

  • Female root fears • Authority issues • Procrastination • Life & Death • Self Worth • Survival
  • clearing individual’s submitted fear issues
  • Alignment to Peace and other higher frequencies
  • and more….

​non-refundable item

For further questions on this item, please, contact

[email protected]

1-2 business days reply​

Recorded Biz & Career Target Call

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Business & Career Orientation & Success
60 min call ​
This call includes Insightful Teachings on
– how to’s
– reconciliation & alignment
– clearing of a multitude of emotional/mental/spiritual issues in regards to FINDING & EXECUTING
one’s true work
– re-patteningnon-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply​​

Recorded Abundance Target Call

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Financial/General Abundance & Debt Release 
60 min call ​
Profound Transmissions:
Activations, Clearings, Re-patternings, & Insightful Teachings
non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply​​

Recorded Target Call Pain Release

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Clearing Pain
60 min call 
This Call is mostly silent and directly working on common pain issues
Very high frequencies. Please, listen lying down.

non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply​​

General Group Calls
 Length: 90-110min

‘From Old Diseases to New Paradigm Health’

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General Group Call with Live Q&A

  • Flower of Life Diamond Stargate Portals 5D and Liquid-Platinum Activation
  • Releasing and Transforming old Labels to New Horizons of Health
  • Working with Participants’ examples and Releasing Labels from A to Z

Digital Non-Refundable: For further questions on this item, please, contact ​[email protected], 1-2 business days reply

Seasonal Call Autumn 2018

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Recorded with Q&A MP3 ~ Running time: 1hr 47min

Basic Ayurvedic teachings & Deep Adjustments for spring and fall

Addresses Vata Dosha Issues: pain, insomnia, bloating, dry skin, sensitive to cold, blurry eyes, fear, anxiety, entities, nervousness, anxiety, panic, twitches, tics, tremors, spasms, dry/chapped skin, constipation, also virus, skin issues, etc ~Adjusting/upgrading overall prana flow and spiritual development ~ Upgrading innate intelligence

non-refundable item. For further questions, please, contact [email protected] 1-2 business days reply

Recorded Live ~ Spring 2018 Health & Beauty

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Spring 2018​ Health & Beauty​

  • Body Soul Healing
  • Overall Detox
  • Stem Cell Rejuvenation
  • Joy & Light Upgrade for all Organs
  • & Systems
  • Vitality
  • Q&A

non-refundable item
For further questions on this item, please, contact
[email protected]
1-2 business days reply​​


WLS Retreat

WLS Retreat

Sacred Gathering Intensive

Sacred Gathering​ at the Harrison Beach Hotel

Sacred Gathering for WLS Members

Sacred Gathering for WLS Members 
Please, BACK UP all purchased downloads ~ Admin fee $25-50 for lost digitals.



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Admin Fee

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Admin Fee
There is no Refund on digital items, sessions already serviced, and live calls aired. 
Content of digital items, all programs, and course content is under copyright by Arathi Ma


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